My photography journey

Hello people,

Today I want to show you my full progress in photography and explain to you everything...

First of all, let me explain you how, why and when I started doing photography

It all started when I was 7 or 8 years old when I wanted camera for my birthday, I dont know why but I just said "I want camera" .. When I got it I started just shooting around I didnt know anything about photography and to be honest, I didnt even wanted to do photography at that time... 5 years later, in 2014 I started really getting into photography by reading online books and watching videos about photography.. I remember, my first book about photography was "Digital Photography" series by Scott Kelby.. I always and I will always recommend to read these 4 books if you are starting doing photography because it will make big jump in your photography career.. After many hours spent in front of my monitor I got my small compact camera and started to put my knowledge into practice... So my my first "real" photographs were made in auto mode without lot of knowledge about rules, composition, apreture ,ISO and so on... They looked something like this


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As I progressed further more, I started learning more about important rules in photography, about composition, editing and lot of other things.. I started transfering my attention more to photography than anything at the time, I was literally sitting whole day watching videos, reading books, going out just to photograph.. I remember one day I rode my bike more than 40km and I was just stopping wherever I saw nice composition or something interesting.. At that time, I still had compact camera but it was good for me.. Bigger progression led me to photographs like these

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And then, when I realized I have big limitation in my progress by not using camera with manual mode, I started learning and watching more about photography gear, bodies, lenses, tripods and so on.. So first and biggest decision was should I go with Nikon or Canon.. As some of people I know were using Canon, I went for it, but I dont want you to think that I hate Nikon or something, I dont have anything against Nikon users, every brand is good... After six hard months choosing perfect camera and lens combination, I finally found mine.. Canon 5D and 28-105mm lens.. I remember that thay as it was yesterday.. It was 26th June, my father picked me up from school with box in car.. I just ran into house, grabbed knife and started to open box carefully.. I was so happy, I cant describe that hapiness to you.. I still have photos from literally first day I have it.. They are nothing special, just photos from backyard.. You will see..


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From there, nothing could stop me from further progress, I was just learning, reading and watching videos among going out and photographing whole day.. At that point, I started my Instagram account posting my work, but after some time I quit doing on Instagram I dont know why and that was big mistake for me but I am planning to start it again.. Biggest mistake in my career was that I started lot to watch about gear and I forgot most important thing, originality and inspiration.. I was just watching what to buy next, should I buy new lens, or tripod maybe.. But I am healing up from that period as I sold all unnecessarily stuff...At this time it was end of 2016 and I made lot of improvements as you will be able to see in next few photos

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I dont know why, but my biggest inspiration comes somewhere around Christmas when all magic stuff happens for holidays and that happened at very beginning of 2017.. I got an inspirational bomb exploded in me, I got big creativity cloud over my head... At that time, I was so into astrophotography and long exposure photography in all.. My best models started to be stars, Milky Way, rivers and lakes.. As I told you before, I made my best photo so far in that period, and from photos I will show you, you can see how much I loved and still love astrophotography and longexposure photography

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Slowly, we are getting closer and closer to today... I didnt photographed much in second part of the year as I started investing in cryptocurrencies and writing on steemit... But I will show you some of photos from that period so you can make clear comparation and you can see my progress in photography

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Now when you can see my progression I would love to know what do you think.. Leave a comment about your opinion and what would you do different..
I can just say one, through this big journey what wont end, I changed myself totaly.. I started looking on life from different perspective, I am more positive person and LOT MORE socialized and friendly person.. Before, I was shy and afraid of showning my work to other people because I was scary of critiques and I thought I wont learn anything... Biggest beauty from my journey is that I made lot and when I say lot I mean really lot new friends, good and positive persons that made me to look like I am now, and I can just say BIG THANKS to all of them and to all of YOU!

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