Everyone at some point in their lives experience bumps in the road to their goals or fulfilling their dreams and leaves them at a standstill or they just want to give up. Some are even scared of taking that risk, that leap of faith, not nowing what it is in front of them. it is time you guys face your fears, save your excuses and focus on what you can do to get closer to where you want to be. Life is never easy, there are always obstacles ahead of you. But where there is a will, there is a way. It's not how hard you can hit, but how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. I want you all to push forward and fulfill your goals. Never stop doing your best just because someone doesn't give you credit. When you feel like quitting, think about why you started. Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no one can see but you. It's time for everyone to and challenge yourself. Looking forward to seeing what I can capture.
MY NAME IS Francis i am Portrait photographer Based in Daresalaam, Tanzania