One more photo from July 2017. Rather exaggerated editing of the colors, but I liked it at the moment of creation, so I keep the photo at this point... The accentuation of red color is a failure. And the sky color doesn't merge well with the white color of the houses, it's what I feel observing this photo...
Nevertheless, here is the "Playground", a vestige of a past era, when children were enjoying a natural way of recreation. How many playgrounds, not organized areas, just something like this, a spontaneous initiative of people living near this beach, you see nowadays? Is it a reality that the modern era's children spend their recreation time on some virtual "playground" application? If it's not a reality, then, where are the children on this photo? That day, after taking this photo I walked around and I saw some kids playing some online game using their smartphones. The new Human is already here... it's the Homo-electronicus or the Homo-internetiens or something like this.
This photo is Not included in #thecitytheory collection.
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I wish you to have an excellent and creative Wednesday!!!
By @imealien All Rights Reserved