If something that has given me the best personal results, is taking time for me, and I'm not talking about just doing something that I like, it's about those moments when I take time for myself, I give myself the best opportunity to listen to me, to feel, to ask myself, How do I feel? What can I do to make you happier? ... and so I go, taking the most accurate answers within me, is a habit that has helped me at all times.

The beach is one of those places where I can connect with my best feelings, maybe, because it gives me pleasure to be in it, I can breathe at the top of my lungs, I can relax to the fullest, I can release the tension, I feel more aware of this life, I can feel that I am part of all that beauty and that I can always return, that I am welcome. Those pleasant moments, for me, are indispensable to grow if you take advantage of them well, if you are aware of where you are and what you are experiencing. We all have special places where it is very easy for us to feel happy, for me, this is one of my favorites. What's yours? Surely it is the best thing to do!

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