photography of beautiful purple candle flowers growing in the garden.

purple candle flower is one of the flowers that we often encounter growing in the yard of the house and city parks because these flowers are often planted because purple candle flowers have beautiful colors and are easy to maintain, the wax flower has several types of colors including the color red and some are white and this flower has a high size of trees can reach 20 to 30 centimeters and this flower grows a lot in tropical climates.
basically these flowers were wild plants but now many are planting them and some are cultivating them because they have a promising and fast-developing selling price.

the beauty of purple candle flowers that live in the yard of the house.



that's my macro photography post today that shows beautiful and amazing images of purple candles and grows in the yard.
my post on this day I hope all love it and can be useful for all stemians and thank you.

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