Hello,there! 😘
What can be more beautiful on a cold winter day than admiring sunrise from the seashore? Yeah,even if it's frosty outside, it's surprising how the sun's rays can be seen through the clouds.
It was still dark outside, but I couldn't sleep anymore. Half asleep, I walked out on the balcony and I breath the fresh and the cold air of the sea. In less than an hour the sun would rise. The sea was agitated and the waves hit the shore with power.
The Mamaia resort of Constanţa city, because it is about it, seemed to keep its breathing for a little while before the start of a new day.
I had been on the balcony for a while and I was trying to imagine how beautiful was the landscape in summer, with the beach full of people tanning.
The sun is playing hide and seek as if it is telling the world who sleep: "Here I am, even if you are ready or not".
Here are the stages of sunrise from the seashore, the photos were taken with my smartphone:
The sea is very beautiful in any season.
Have a great weekend! ❤️