I take more than 5 photos

As the title suggests, when I travel for photography and come back I end up sharing only a handful of photos. I tend to pick my favourite (if any) from each location and then do quick edits to share on Getty as stock photography. For anyone that is interested though, here are some photos from my recent Wilsons Prom trip that didn't make my fav's list.

some of the track...

A sign on the hike...

some of the track...

finally reaching the east coast and that beautiful beach of Waterloo Bay...

a dead shark on the beach...

my camp...

Little Waterloo Bay...

Me posing for stock photography...

Sunrise at Waterloo Bay...

Track on the way back...

my lunch date on the beach...

Oberon Bay...

Little Oberon Bay...

This guy...

Whisky Bay...

This guy...

This guy (me) posing for stock photography...

Shitty astro shot...

emu in the rain...

I took about 1100 photos over the 3 days. Would you like me to share them all? Yes? Well I'm not going to anyway.

Thanks for stopping by!

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