Based Art Will Save the World


As has often been said, politics is downstream of culture. So to make true political change, the right (or anyone opposed to the universalist progressive neoliberal order) must create popular culture: TV shows and movies with inspiring dissident characters who mock progressivism and expose their lies. Make music with lyrics created by musicians who are not afraid to speak out against the regressive left—plus books, video games, and comics that do the same.

There are already many books like this, but today books are too niche a medium. Ayn Rand was a dissident figure at her time and massively shifted the culture through her novels. But the next Ayn Rand will not be a novelist—they must make movies or video games. And whatever movie they make has to be great, not just “good for a low-budget indie” type of movie. It must stack up with the best of the best films from history, and it must not be explicitly about politics.

Most of the greatest movies are not directly political; they just have an undertone of progressivism embedded in the characters and theme. This is often conveyed through off-hand remarks characters make that aren’t integral to the plot. The writer/director likely did not intentionally insert progressive ideology to promote an agenda—they were just unconsciously progressive so they unconsciously wrote progressive characters and themes.

All narrative storytelling art forms (TV, books, movies, comics, video games) are either promoting or critiquing a certain moral framework, whether the creators realize it or not. If characters casually have sex or casually go to church, this conveys something morally to the audience, even if these activities are not directly related to the plot. When all the characters in pop culture entertainment are atheists who have casual sex and a woke progressive worldview, that conveys to the audience that atheism/casual sex/wokeism are smart/cool/normal. While atheism, sex, and progressive politics may not have anything to do with the main narrative, the ideology is implicitly embedded in the story. This is why so many millions of people believe the neoliberal progressive democratic worldview is simply the default normal correct way to behave—because it is thoroughly entrenched in every piece of entertainment media they have consumed their entire lives.

Love it or hate it, people learn how to think and act via their favorite TV shows and movies. Therefore a new model needs to be created for the masses to emulate. The “based” worldview needs to be portrayed in art and entertainment to provide a guide for how people can think and act in the real world. This is how society has always evolved.

Our current society is full of Marxists who have never read a word of Karl Marx. Why is that? Because the people creating their favorite art and entertainment read Marx (or at least the people who taught them did), so Marxism becomes the lens through which they see the world—and it becomes the lens through which their movies are made. They could be writing a movie about giant robots fighting each other, with seemingly no political message at all, but the undercurrent of the characters and their relationships, thoughts, and actions, will be with the progressive social justice egalitarian worldview. Sure, we want to defeat the giant evil robot, but we need to make sure we have a racially and sexually diverse enough team first…


Most libs are not liberal; they simply adopt the currently dominant ideology because they have been programmed to do so by art and culture. Or as Uncle Ted said, they are “over-socialized.” It is through better art and culture that a new ideological template will be adopted by the masses. The only way to defeat the progressive rot in modern culture and the entertainment industry is to create better art. We cannot expect the masses to read Mencius Moldbug or Bronze Age Pervert, but intelligent artists can read Moldbug and BAP and infuse their art with their ideas. Artists can create an entertaining story that helps illustrate concepts such as a Cthulhu-like monster that personifies “The Cathedral.” But dissident artists must also create stories that simply have based characters who seem smart, cool, and normal by doing things like having a stable family, being religious, and “owning the libs.”

What the culture needs now is based and red-pilled artists creating movies, TV shows, comic books, and video games with based and red-pilled characters and themes. But they must do so with art as the primary purpose, not politics. A progressive should not be immediately repulsed by based art. It should be accessible to them because they don’t realize it’s “right-wing”—it’s just good art. It’s based because it's true. If art is beautiful and true, it will change those who experience it—red-pill them without them consciously knowing or wanting to be red-pilled. They will watch the movie because it is a good movie; any political influence it may have will be secondary to the artistic experience. That’s what true art does.

It can be as simple as having a progressive character spout progressive ideology, then someone based makes a snide comment calling out their hypocrisy in a funny way. Simply seeing another side mock the mainstream is powerful. Currently, the progressive mainstream view is portrayed in movies with zero opposition except from strawmen, making the audience believe that the only people who disagree with social justice are the KKK and Nazis. Based art needs to show people that you can honestly disagree with the progressive agenda without being an evil villain.

Of course there also can and should be more explicitly political movies from red-pilled reactionaries because there are plenty of those from the blue-pilled progressives. They have both, so we need both. The counter-culture is always the coolest and most influential culture in the future, and based dissidents are the current counter-culture. So art must portray being based as cool. This has already taken place in the world of online memes, but it must spread further to the most popular art forms. As BAP said, “Movies are the golden key to the minds of the many. What Mel Gibson does is worth a thousand books or ‘activisms’ for your side.” If people’s favorite TV shows, movies, and video games have based characters and red-pilled themes, they will naturally start to think and act more based as well. Change the culture through art first, and political change will soon follow.

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