Multidimensionally variable identity - General theory of interaction

It is human identity that we are experiencing. But the shape of identity in general can be anything. It is easier for us to acknowledge other human identity, because it is more alike to ours than other identities are.

But what is deciding for the existence of identity is not its confirmability through human consciousness.


That is why (id)entities are infinitely manifold: Because the variety of identities differentiating it, is infinite as well – and because we all share existence through interaction, none can bei identitcal. Because to identical interpretations would require identical entities which can not exist.

An idea, like the one described here, is defined as an entity. A tree, a nation, a street, a feeling, a group of people, a horde of animals, an ant state, a brand, a blade of grass, a forest, a fairy tale, an art character, a thought. Everything we are interacting with, exists through interaction between a certain relation between immanence and transcendence.

One of an infinite number of possible properties (id)entities posess is constancy. A physical human entity can last for about 80 years. The identity of a star is far more durable. An idea can exist for a short moment, for the life span of a human being, which differentiated it, or for centuries, if they expand the single mind it originated from.

As duration itself is dynamic, so are identities experiencing it.

This is my translation of chapter 7 of my general interaction theory.

Chapter 4: Entities within the multiverse
Chapter 5: Existence through interaction
Chapter 6: The Interactive multiverse

Next chapter 8: Interaction, Identity and consciousness coming soon

German Version: Multidimensional variable

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