Everybody should. Although most people don't feel like that, I'm bringing you another life-changer, and of course - the long answer. :)
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Brace yourselves
There are different types of a loss but the one I will be talking about is a loss in a competition where we can also use the metaphor for many life situations.
There are also different types of losers, but by far the worst losers, in my opinion, are the people who can't deal with a loss in any other way than thinking they're worthless and keep digging themselves a deeper hole with regrets and feeling sorry for themselves. Often unconsciously but it has a major effect on one's life and the people whom they are surrounded by.
Why I love losing?
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The thing about losing, it isn't fun until you learn HOW to lose. You have to find a way to extract the hidden messages in it. I love losing because that's where wisdom, lessons, and everything needed for us to become the best version of ourselves are.
Let's say we had a competition and we have a winner and a loser;
A winner will have a champagne shower with all the excitement and party that comes with it, with all the people hyped up and all the good stuff. What he does after that win is questionable and differs from person to person. But 90% of winners stop there and think they can't do better than that.
A loser will have 2 choices; whether he wants to stay a loser and make peace with the outcome, or extracting the lesson of why he lost, and what could he do day by day, to crush the competition. This also differs from situation to situation but the point is the same.
The second choice is what I call "the best loser" and I love that more than winning.
Why I love best losers?
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If this kind of losers keeps learning from losses at one point they will become winners, but when that happens they won't stop trying to find ways to become even better, they will now look for lessons both in wins and losses. That's because you can never be the smartest, the strongest or the fastest, not because there's a person better than you, but because you can always do better than you are doing now. This is not negative thought but a motivational which is the real truth.
“Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward.”
- John C. Maxwell, Quote source
If you ever found yourself with people who think they form a personality and attitude when they enter a certain age and then it sticks with them for life and they never think if there's more to it, and they don't try to change themselves my honest advice is - run.
Don't stop changing yourself for the better! Don't stop learning, don't stop thinking, don't stop trying, don't stop failing, don't stop succeeding, you can always enjoy life more, and do better, or love a little harder.
When I say change I don't think of always switching your personality and not being who you are, I am saying change as in how a crab loses his old shell and makes a new, stronger, bigger shell.
Not because he is no longer a crab, but because his shell was stopping him from being the better version of himself.
Accept the change and make it happen, don't stop doing you! We all have a purpose and the reason why we were born from so many millions of sperm. You, me, all of us, WE were the outcome!
You are already a winner
So what’s the probability of your being born? It’s the probability of 2.5 million people getting together — about the population of San Diego — each to play a game of dice with trillion-sided dice. They each roll the dice — and they all come up the exact same number — say, 550,343,279,001.
A miracle is an event so unlikely as to be almost impossible. By that definition, I’ve just proven that you are a miracle. Now go forth and feel and act like the miracle that you are
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