I admit I don't know where and when this survey was taken. But if it is a true reflection of the sample population it was taken from, it is... disturbing, to say the least.
On the blue side, we have people who agree to violence to people with whom they disagree - and that usually means anyone, since Nazi has been overused so much - who want to force acceptation of people by using invented pronouns and who want someone with an "offensive" opinion to be fired.
On the red side, we have people who love their colored piece of cloth so much they would have people lose their citizenship for "desecrating" it, who want the state to stop the building of new religious buildings and who want people not standing up to their special song to be fired.
So, why I am a libertarian: I don't CARE what you do, think or say as long as you don't voluntarily endanger anyone's life or property.