Solipsism - Know Thy Enemy - An Introduction To Illusion Based Mindcontrol - Part 5.

This post is an extension of part 1
part 2
part 3
and part 4

The true battlefield is the mind

In opposition to external warfare, the battlefield of solipsism is in the mind, it is an internal conflict and therefore must be conquered within, through introspection.

No hammer, explosive missile or physical force in the physical universe can ever win this battle for any of us. Leaving it up to every individual, to engage, to win and to conquer his own mind. There is no greater battle to be won than this.

The second (in time) Man gets his "shit" together internally - ALL external wars caused by the failure of Man's thinking, will end.

If we fail to know who the real enemy is, what he is, where he is and when he is - we expose ourselves to a situation where we are vulnerable to an unknown enemy. By ignoring "him".


What is solipsism:

from Latin solus "alone" + ipse "self.
Solipsism is the mentalt state in which the perception of reality is perceived to be generated from the mind itself. It shifts the morality of reality into: Man is creator instead of man is in creation. And thereby substitute truth with Man's perception of truth, - Made by claims where Man is perceived as the creator/arbiter of truth and not as the understander/student of truth.

When is something solipsistic:

The pattern of which solipsism must take, is specific. It is a certain behavior, and measurable as it is observable through actions. It is a precise state of mind that can be accurately understood, although the state of mind not being physical itself. The pattern and the expression solipsism must take, is that it claims subjective truths to be objective truth. Solipsism is active when reality is perceived through subjectivity and accepted as reality itself.

Who is affected by solipsism:

As far as I know and can see, all is affected by it, as in everyone has a degree of solipsism. The question of importance therefore is, what degree of solipsism "we" are affected with.

Global solipsism is when a state of mind that is activily trying perceive reality as under one owns mind. Everyone else but the perceiver is mere illusions of "his" own mind. "Everything is because your mind creates it".

Local solipsism is when a state of mind perceive reality as being created through one's own mind, but others can also create reality with their mind. "What is true is what is agreed upon".

Unaware solipsism is when a state of mind sees reality through solipsistic perception, but is unaware of it. "the illusion of knowledge".

these categories are made for references in the future: Global, local, unaware

Where is solipsism located in language:

We use language to communicate about reality and our own reality. The reality which we share with others (the objective reality), is singular, as in one truth. Our own reality or realities are multidimensional and vary because they are subjective.

In language we have the logical dimension of language. That which describes that which is or that which is not. If we try to describe that which is not in reality, as something that actually is in reality or vice versa, we must use our dialectic (logical dimension in language) to create an illusion. This is a rhetorical manipulation of the logical dimension in language - a spoken logical fallacy.

If I want to say that the state is a real logical entity in physical reality, I must abuse (manipulate) or misuse (act in confusion of) the logical dimension in language.

If it is claimed that there is a state, is he who claimed such thing, the one with the burden of proof. There is no way on earth to prove an illusion is real. Hence the language used MUST be subjective in order to spawn the illusion to be real in language and confuse what is real, in reality - Through perception.



All solipsism can be detected through the individuation of truth (reality as it is known). All illusion is solipsism and why both illusion and solipsism always must hijack thinking, by corrupting the language to interfere with the process of information. It infiltrates the mind through false knowledge (ignorance), causing confusion and manifesting in chaotic behavior.

Chaotic behavior is key for any who wish to control, as chaotic behavior strips away the quality of being sovereign.

Solipsism achieves this by putting the mind under the entanglement, that nothing outside the mind can be known and therefore nothing about reality and the nature we live in can be known. It is a rejection of objective truth and the responsibility to know. It narrows the conscious awareness into being about oneself, and stuff about self. "Afterall others are not known to be real".

Solipsists propagate that nothing about reality or the laws of nature can be known. As it is outside ones own mind and can therefore not be sure to exsist.

Those who can defend themselves against such an axiom; KNOWS that such claim simply is stealing the concept of knowing. To state: That they know, - That nothing can be known. Revealing the confusion and the state of mind.

  • Try and repeat the two small paragraphs just above a couple of times and you will get a taste of what kind of mental entropy solipsism is causing in the mind.


Next I will explore how we can use language and objective reality to defend ourselves against solipsism and illusion based mindcontrol, leading us away from the introduction series.

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