A Noble Gesture

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Present Scenario

A weird picture steelthily steals into my mind. A man takes a sword and chops his own offspring to mincemeat. It is weird.

Culture, norms and customs have disappeared into oblivion. The family ties are long broken into shredded pieces. Families can only communicate on social media, skype, messenger or on video.

The stretched spring has finally snapped

The balloon has burst

The cat has been let out of the bag

The Prophesy

It follows a prophesy.

Luke 12:53
New International Version
They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.

The prophesy is passing now. No!
Your argument may be that Cain turned against the brother long before now.

He did.

That was then. Now it is worse.

The Story Of The Family Cock And Christmas

Where I come from chicken meat is a favorite. Women are not supposed to feed on the gizzard and the hind meat of chicken.

A cock was set aside to be slayghtered for Christmas celebration. By then the meat was very sweet.

Not anymore!

Chicken are slaughtered everywhere. There are chicken floating in a grill everwhere in towns.


The same applies with family wrangles and feuds. They have become the order of the day.

Families are slaughtering each other.

The bible prophesy is being fulfilled.

The Noble Gesture

*There is a new wave in town.

It has began in my country.

The new way is a reconciliation call.

Fathers are being reconciled by their sons.

The wrangles and wars in families and in the country are being ironed. It is a good idea.

The honoring of fathers began in Vihiga county. There was a big meeting at Praise Centre Church. Pioneer fathers of religion were honored by their sons. There were presents and certification.

It was a noble gesture.

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