MR. V - My Introduction to Hive Community

I was unfortunate. Covid, Pandemic, Lockdowns and more happens in this world within this last two years. As we all know, Pandemic start late 2019 and early 2020 . This hit me hard as stricter lockdown was implemented here in the Philippines last March 2020 where i was unfortunately already resigned by current job because it has been compromising my health already due deprivation of sleep. For those three months of strict lockdown, I am jobless and using my savings to live day by the day until it has been exhausted. And that where I KNOW about crypto, blockchain, nft and trading which helps to continue live by . It has never been easy , a lot need to learn, a lot of losses suffered but always BOUNCED BACK.

  • This my short journey how and why do i start with crypto.



I am a man who is 23 years of age ,a CPA and State Auditor. I grew up in Calauag, Quezon Philippines and finished my degree in Accountancy in PUP. Life has never been easy but with your family it will never be too hard.

Studying for my degree was hard enough with limited financial capabilities as i am the only in my family and youngest among four siblings that graduated in college as we have financial problems. Scholarships does help. I also competitions. I always join accounting competition over our province and always bring glory to my beloved school for 3 years consecutively participating. I also join National Competition related to my degree and won first at out of all participants. This event also give me opportunity to earn some money, books for my board exam and free scholarship review in prestigious review center which helps me a lot. My college was hard but wonderful and fun.

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After graduating, board exam comes , a difficult exam with only 15-25% passing rate from previous year. Luckily, I was able to pass the exam and be part of that small percentage over thousands of examinees all over the Philippines. I remembered that day, it was 1 am in the morning while waiting for the result, i was very anxious , what if i don't see my name on the list? what will i do? i cant review again we don't have enough money ? and with perseverance and prayers, I PASSED.

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As blockchain games got popular, I discovered one of the games in this blockchain which is Splinterlands last July and I am really fascinated with the game. I really enjoy it a lot and earn as we from that. From that time, I have been a constant moderator of the Splinterland PH Group. As we grow , from just less than 50 last July to 35k members as of now. I will share in another post my full journey in Splinterlands as well as the growth of our FB Page.


Thanks for @lovesniper ,@fionasfavourites and @ocd for guiding me and commenting some tips in my first post as i was not aware with hive. It was such a great help. Love lots. Godbless!!

#philippines #myhiveintro #splinterlands #spt #myjourney

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