PETA suggests keeping your cat(s) indoors for longer life but what kind of life is that for the cat?


I keeping seeing posts on social media from PETA (yes, I follow PETA) about how important it is to keep your cats inside and how much longer the life expectancy is for indoor cats.

My cat is fourteen and going strong, and he's always had access to outside. He spends most of the day inside; but, he likes to prowl at night and I'm not going to deprive him of that now.

Sure, my experience does not equate to everyone else's, but I think anyone who argues against letting an animal outside purely based on life expectancy is not considering the qualify of life for the animal.

Imagine living to 100, but spending all of those 100 years in prison. It's probably more torture than a blessing to have longevity.

So, I wouldn't take any advice from PETA if you truly want to let your cat have a good quality of life. Some other arguments are that outdoor cats kill for fun and it can lead to the extinction of many native species. That's not specifically an argument for your cat though is it?

PETA often provides straight up false information. The virtue signalling is more important to them than the actual animals.. which is sad, because animals need a voice more than ever.

Outdoor cats have more risks than indoors. That's a given. However, the enrichment available to them because of it is exponential if you simply take care of your pet like a decent human being.

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