Silver for food - What a deal!!

So once in a while I do my #silverforfood post.

I actually just posted this on #leofinance but for some reason it didn’t actually post, or save my post, so I am actually doing this post from scratch.

I am lucky enough to find a local place where I can get great fresh food for such a good price.

It is a sharma place with those rotating sticks of meat.

I should have turned the coin around so you can see it, but this is a half oz silver coin.

Think about that, half an oz of silver for:

Garlic potatoes
Two types of fresh salad
Sharma meat
Sharma sauce
Fresh pita

So for one oz you can have supper for two.

It feels good knowing that when you have 180 ozs of silver you can technically be fed for a year.

That is the power of psychical metals.


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