Censorship and liabilities

This is no doubt another aspect that is somewhat confusing. Which is to say, that it's so nuanced, that it's hard to make up our minds about exactly how it's supposed to or should work.

To me, it's no big revelation that Steemit inc removes some articles from their front end, and has even gone as far as removing a profile all together. Of course, the blockchain remains immutable and then information can still be accessed, but to the outsider looking in, this looks really bad.

Just to add a pinch of reality to the situation, let's just say that there is a reason why Steemit inc, or any company who operates out of the US can simply put on the anarchist Jersey and call it a day. No one wants to be liable, and the aggressive state has no problems taking anyone down for what they would consider immoral or illegal to be more precise.

As I've said before, the idea that we can one day live in a world of true freedom is beautiful, but the cynic in me doesn't believe we are even close to such existence.


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