Renovation Planning Are Stopped In KPK Main Villages!

Today's News Updates in The Rajjar Bypas road and the news is that people are fighting with each other on the issues that why you are repairing the local road way because they will upgrade the sewage and By that the NSL( Natural surface level will be increase and they house sewage system will be waste and they will be facing huge loss due to that road.


The Bad rules in the corrupt system that they are not going to repair something they need to demolish the already constructed ways and they should take the slugs to the river side and to fill the digger area and they should start a new construction so that will never make problems to people who are affected from this problem that is why i am saying that they should be careful with the newly construction which is not benefit for the people around the corners.

I am saying that when you are not able to make good renovation you should not take the contract but with this construction the local resident had a fight with the contractor and now they work is stopped due to stay order by the court . So why we are making problem for the Govt and for the local people for getting some illegal earning which is not the right of our self and they are the right of the whole nation and the people who are paying the Taxes for the improvement of the country !

So if we are always cooperation the local people around us then we will never face any problem in the construction and in any case when you are dealing with the local resident of the area

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