On December 20, OurMamaTerry Was Born. Here Are My Very Tiny Thoughts From Yesterday.

A day ago or let's say hours ago i.e 'December 20', is when my mum was born. It is was a kinda day.

I don't know what's wrong really. The world tells you to forget, to be merry instead but that just never feels right. Why forget this special woman. According to me, she is the best woman on earth and not because she is my mum. I don't think you can find love bigger than hers. Mum's tend to love their families; my mum would love you, like she would us.

And my dad? He has been in the bathroom for 24-hours now, in the dark, without food and he is not coming out. He has in that moment again that comes after he has done many bouts of depression and his body and brains shuts down into isolation and this particular man is still filled with so much love still; in his every prayer is each human of this world.

What kind of life is this? What is love exactly, when you have too much of it?

Now, there is me and i am the same. No 'cute cat' comes before you, no superman, no crypto-kitty. I am about you. And i don't do this loving out of convenience. There is no loving from human like this. If you doubt me, think thrice.

My point overall is, words are weak and the books that have been written a just outright poor; the world still needs so much revelation. How come it doesn't know?

It knows of light or darkness; alas there are other concepts. It knows of words but context-less words. It is painted. 

Overall, we are weaklings and mere dust but if there is no humility to see of other concepts, we shall not see and will remain weak. But taking up 'the more to life' is not for everyone and even establishing that, takes humility.

You are no god, you are no god. You aren't mere dust at most. Even so, you are un-ordinary. Check again!

Your boy Terry


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