The Nature of Your Enslavement is Hidden in Plain Sight

You live in a orwellian, dystopian reality where your enslavement is hidden in plain sight and you can't see it because there have been blinders placed on your mind by the language controllers of civilization. The often control what words you are exposed to a often obfuscate those words' meaning making them into anti-concepts so that you cannot accurately conceptualize reality.

Studying language made El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz dangerous to the government and they HAD him murdered. If you are not a dangerous slave, then you are an excellent one.

What kind of slave did you imagine you'd be on a cotton plantation in the south? If a rebellious one it was, then become that! LEARN MORE WORDS!

Taxation is theft.
Government is slavery.

Additional Reading:

"As Orwell's 1984 Turns 70 It Predicted Much Of Today's Surveillance Society" by Kalev Leetaru; Forbes Magazine

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