the inclusion of the pharmaceutical sector in the BlockChain technology.

- The problems of consumption that surround drugs -

Without a doubt, drugs have been a revolution since their invention, establishing themselves in the medical sector to treat health problems pragmatically, attacking a great number of afflictions, treating from small headaches, to infections and more aggravated problems. However, for the creation of such drugs, a series of procedures must be carried out to guarantee their effectiveness and safety for human consumption, so these concatenated health processes are carried out over a period of years, carrying out a large number of tests and care processes.

However, within the field converge a series of problems regarding the sale and consumption around the world, respectively to the various policies and regulatory bodies, which also include certain idioms and erratic practices. Taking as an example the joke of "the aunt who carries many medications in your wallet" (making reference to the reality of a high consumption and self-medication), of course in the economically more debased countries there are certain harmful tendencies such as the union of syrups for the cough as the "preveral" and certain alcoholic drinks for recreational consumption, generating large accidents or deaths linked to the consumption of said product intake.

In the same way I have witnessed multiple vaccination campaigns to get rid of expired products or about to expire, which has a direct impact on the health of the general population since these vaccines are made with the virus in question, so that bioanalysts can develop antibodies to be treated, but nevertheless the problem lies in the application of different vaccines once expired.

Another appreciable erratic practice is the ingestion of antibiotics under any circumstance or affliction, which in theory generates resistance to existing viruses, diminishing the effectiveness of current medications and promoting resistance and procreation of new viruses harmful to humans. Therefore, this problem is attributed to the lack of education regarding the culture of consumption of this type of drug.

- What is pharmatrust? -

Farmatrust is the integration of the pharmaceutical sector in the BlockChain technology, which will allow a greater efficiency and effectiveness in terms of the records and automated processes of this innovative technology, allowing the pharmaceutical industry, the consumer and the governmental entities, to benefit from said registration and action mechanics.

But what really benefits the BlockChain system from the pharmaceutical industry? because the main goodness in terms of the automation of this system refers to a greater use of information in terms of tracking the product from its issuance to delivery, which offers a sampling regarding the consumption and production of a particular drug.

This mechanic guarantees the correct indicative consumption by pharmacies, and not only that, this system provides greater reliability since it has automated emission certifications, which functions as bank security stamps for banknotes, showing the consumer that the consumption of said drug is safe and approved.

Another recurrent theme in this trade is the high costs in terms of the supply chain, which are transferred to the final value of the product and even drugs necessary to preserve the life of an individual under chemotherapy, hypertension or vitamin deficiency. So the user can acquire these products without the need of third parties, with the appropriate certification and permitting, thus mitigating the costs of distribution.

- What makes Farmatrust special? -

Farmatrust is designed to be a system that optimizes certain market operations, so this innovation has to compete and deal directly with the counterfeiting of drugs around the world, since such decentralized technology corroborates the conception of a new market vision and distribution. So that easy access to this information system will guarantee a much more efficient and effective work exercise that must be projected in a positive way in the safe consumption of drugs throughout the globe.

Of course, to be occupied by a large number of people, a system must win the recognition of its users in terms of the benefits it offers, which is why within this system include certain benefits such as:

  • Transparency.

  • Decentralization.

  • Security.

  • Process automation in terms of tagging and tracking coding.

  • Immovable production record.

  • Optimization of registration regarding permits and regulations.

Would you like to see a sample of use?

But what role do the tokens play in this work mechanics? First of all we must understand that Farmatrust employs two types of tokens; FTT and ZOI being similar to the dynamics of the Steemit network, so a ZOI token must be used to track orders and code orders, in the same way to acquire the same low orders of our intelligent equipment, while the token FTT will be an exchange card which is generated as a consequence of the use of said system. So in the following video you can see how we can manage our purchases and orders mitigating costs without the need for third parties, which also highlights the procurement and consumption of a safe product which has all the permits and regulations of the pharmaceutical industry.

- How Farmatrust will revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry? -

As I mentioned at the beginning, the free acquisition of drugs without tracking or any monitoring, the traffic, falsification, self-medication and misuse of these is an existing problem that has persisted for years in society, but nevertheless the use of a vanguard system like the BlockChain, can guarantee a correct practice regarding the consumption and acquisition of drugs..

Undoubtedly, the revolution that this technology is promoting is a point in favor of the various development sectors, giving the common user the opportunity to integrate into the world of cryptocurrency and the benefits that this new economic activity provides and that everyone wants to take advantage of.


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