Good for Oregon for apologizing and BYU for accepting the apology.


That is what should have happened. I am not a Mormon so this is not about defending something I believe. It is about not dehumanizing others.

By the way this chant did not happen in a vacuum. A few years ago the musical "The Book of Mormon" came out to a good deal of fanfare a few years ago. A lot of people wanted to see the Mormons lampooned. Many of those same people are quick to condemn a "draw Muhamad" cartoon contest because they know it is insulting to Muslims. But insulting Mormons? I guess they thought why not?

My point is this. We have to work hard to not dehumanize a group because we do not like them or what they believe. It is perfectly fine to disagree with Mormon's values, theology or political activism. It is not okay to reduce them to an non-human stereotype that you and then treat with disgust. Because then even the well-educated "inclusive" Oregon students will think it alright to dismiss their humanity.

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