Steemit openmic semana - 102 - Abel Fernandez - Dos secretos (Cover)

El mundo cada dia me sigue impresionando mas, desde la bicicleta ahora existe el teletransportador, y viajes entre dimensiones, ¿cuando hubiese siquiera imaginado que iba a poder estar en 3 sitios al mismo tiempo?, lo mejor es que cuando me junte con mis otros yo, hicimos un cover a una cancion de viniloversus llamada "dos secretos". Bueno no es que es obra de un teletransportador, enrealidad ese mismo se llama premier 2017, que es el programa editor de video que @enriquesalgadoc utilizo para finalizar este trabajo, que a mi parecer ademas de tener la dinamica que tiene por su rock alternativo tambien es visualmente apreciable, que es un factor en el cual @smollrecord se enfoca diariamente es superarse.

La espontaneidad es un valor.

Enrealidad para este dia no tenia pensado grabar esta cancion, y menos de este metodo, fue luego de que decidi a 5 minutos de empezar a grabar debido a que queria algo mas movido, y a pesar de que fue espontaneamente incomodo, por ser bien aceptado salio este resultado que jamas pensamos que ibamos a conseguir.

Y claro, siempre es imprescindible experimentar para poder superarse cada vez mas, el algoritmo de crecimiento es demasiado sencillo, y se basa en "la practica hace al maestro", asi que el metodo mas eficaz es intentar he intentar, puesto a que cada vez saldra mejor, por esta razon me siento tan comodo trabajando con el equipo de @smollrecord, porque no hay limites y estos muchachos poseen una osadia y creatividad para atacar siempre nuevos terrenos.

Dos secretos - Viniloversus.

Para empezar les dare una introduccion sobre quienes son "Viniloversus".
Esta es una banda de rock alternativo d
Venezolana, ganadora del nuevas bandas 2006, que es un festival anual que brinda oportunidades a las bandas emergentes nacionales a que lleven su musica a otra escala, estos chicos desde que empezaron con su carrera han deleitado a su publico, ya que han hecho exactamente lo que quieren, han mezclado la intensidad y fuerza del rock, con la espacialidad de la musica moderna, esto ya podemos encontrarlo a partir de sus canciones desde el 2012, cuando ya estaban a otro nivel.

Me considero fan de su sonido y su musica en general, desde que tengo 12 años me he influenciado de lo que hacen, y se que ha sido buena manera de empaparme de musica.

En cuanto a la elaboracion del trabajo y sus recursos, utilizamos una nikon desde un mismo angulo, sin moverse, solo contabamos con una toma y 20 minutos los cuales fueron bien aprovechados, se edito la musica con pro-tools, y el video con Premier 2017.

Agradezco nuevamente al equipo de @smollrecord por seguir haciendo posible cada nuevo trabajo de calidad, ofreciendole a la plataforma lo que merece.

Un boligrafo sin tinta
Fue lo que utilize
Cuando te escribi una carta que obviamente nunca envie
Tantas cosas que no dije, dos secretos que guarde
Uno es que yo si te quiero y otro es que no puedo
No quiero despertar en cinco años
Y verme encerrado en ti, perdona que sea tan sincero perdoname por ser asi
Pero es que la monogamia
Yo nunca la comprendi
Perdona que sea tan sincero
Perdoname por ser asi.

Tambien quiero agradecer a grandes comunidades que apoyan constantemente el crecimiento de la pagina, tales como; @curie @cervantes @rutablockchain @celfmagazine.

Recuerden que sus opiniones son imprescindible para la mutua retroalimentacion.

Buenas vibras.

English version.

The world every day continues to impress me more, since the bicycle now exists the teleporter, and travel between dimensions, when I had even imagined that I could be in 3 places at the same time, the best thing is that when I join with my others I, we covered a viniloversus song called "two secrets". Well it's not that it's the work of a teleporter, actually that same is called premier 2017, which is the video editor program that @enriquesalgadoc used to finalize this work, which in my opinion in addition to having the dynamic it has for its alternative rock too it is visually appreciable, which is a factor in which @smollrecord focuses daily is to overcome.

Spontaneity is a value.

Enrealidad for this day I had not planned to record this song, and less of this method, was after I decided 5 minutes to start recording because I wanted something more moved, and although it was spontaneously uncomfortable, being well accepted came out this result that we never thought we were going to achieve.

And of course, it is always essential to experiment to be able to overcome more and more, the growth algorithm is too simple, and is based on "practice makes perfect", so the most effective method is to try and try, since every time it will come out better, for this reason I feel so comfortable working with the @smollrecord team, because there are no limits and these guys have a boldness and creativity to always attack new lands.

Two secrets - Viniloversus.

To begin I will give you an introduction about who are "Viniloversus".
This is an alternative rock band d
Venezuelan, winner of the new bands 2006, which is an annual festival that provides opportunities for emerging national bands to take their music to another scale, these guys since they began their career have delighted their audience, since they have done exactly what they want, they have mixed the intensity and strength of rock, with the spatiality of modern music, this we can already find from their songs since 2012, when they were already at another level.

Photo by Viniloversus taken in April 2018.

I consider myself a fan of its sound and its music in general, since I am 12 years old I have been influenced by what they do, and I know that it has been a good way to soak up music.

As for the elaboration of the work and its resources, we used a nikon from the same angle, without moving, we only had one shot and 20 minutes which were well used, the music was edited with pro-tools, and the video with Premier 2017

I thank the team of @smollrecord for continuing to make possible each new work of quality, offering the platform what it deserves.

A pen without ink
It was what I used
When I wrote you a letter that obviously never sent
So many things that I did not say, two secrets that I keep
One is that I do love you and another is that I can not
I do not want to wake up in five years
And see me locked in you, forgive me for being so sincere forgive me for being like that
But is that monogamy
I never understood
Sorry I'm so sincere
Forgive me for being like that.

I also want to thank large communities that constantly support the growth of the page, such as; @curie @cervantes @rutablockchain @celfmagazine

Remember that your opinions are essential for mutual feedback.

Good vibes.

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