LVL tokenomics and Utility within PSYBER X -Phase 1

Lvl Tokenomics and Utility

We want to say a thank you to everyone that has been with us so far. You all have been amazing, and we’re so happy to have everyone along on this journey with us.
Today we want to talk about the utility and tokenomics of the LVL token, and how it will be used as a tool in our upcoming title PSYBER X.


First we’ll start with the most basic metrics.
LVL is a utility token, with a max supply of 500,000,000. And there will never be any more made EVER.

LVL is strictly Utility Token

Token Sale:
Our plan is to sell 50% of the max supply to the community to allocate funding for the creation of LVL's main utility - the PSYBER X game. We have already made great progress towards that goal, and are grateful for everyone in the community who have participated in content creation, suggestions and feedback and financial support for the LVL token.
This money is destined for the dev fund to get the game built.

Corporate Reserve
20% of the max supply will be held on the gaming platform as a reserve(explained in more detail later)

Development Reserve
The remaining amount (30%) will be used to further development far into the future. Including to possibly incentivize the modding community for their accepted improvements, as we plan to make our game open source. Allowing others to build with us, and use the tools we have and will build to further improve gaming on HIVE.

In-Game Utility

LVL will be used in many ways in the future, but it’s first utility will be as a tool for gaming within PSYBER X.

Players will have to create a HIVE wallet to be able to enter PSYBER X, as we want more people to become aware of the HIVE blockchain. We believe our game can be a sort of flagship for the HIVE blockchain, and the game will bring in a massive amount of players.

To play the full version of PSYBER X, and possibly earn tokens while doing so, players will need to reach the open market and purchase LVL tokens. Lvl will be used in game as a way to purchase your next life when you are killed by someone in game, or your first life when first joining. Skin in the game PVP matches and tournaments will provide the token earnings for the winners and a possible rake for the house.

Players will be able to play to earn LVL tokens and possibly other tokens such as NFTs as they play through PSYBER X. When a player is killed the LVL token put up will be earned by the other player, and that player will gain LVL tokens that he can now use to pay for his next round if he were to die.

The corporate reserve will be used to streamline LVL purchases in game.

Small barrier of entry

This is very important to us, we’ve seen how badly the economics of some games on the blockchain can get. We want our barrier of entry into the game as minimal as possible, as to not cause a large burden on players to join.

But no matter the price of LVL, by opening matches and tournaments with very low LVL costs, we’ll open up opportunities for everyone to play.
This will ensure as the price fluctuates for LVL, players will still be able to join in. A player should never feel a harsh barrier of entry.
This will ensure scalability, and longevity for the gaming platform.
We will focus on making small adjustments as we grow.

More details will continue to be released as we continue to work on the roadmap for our game - PSYBER X!

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