"Deadly Touch" A Post-General Sale Analysis of Death

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EDIT: Added in Thaddeus' Description, accidentally left General Sloan, thanks for the catch @white-walker-13

General Sale has been going on for a few days now!

WHAT GIVES Jakkal?! No Death post immediately after my Life post to finish the sale?

Well, I ran out of Resource Credits posting so frequently, and from the flurry that was General Sale flipping, buying, and trading... So, I got a tittle bit delayed

Now it's time for you guys to see the Deadly Touch of the Death Splinter

As usual, we'll talk about my opinions, thus far, on playing with the CL Cards, how I feel about them in both a Modern and Wild context as well as some, small, opinions on the lore and art; It's time for Death, which happens to be my 100%, top favorite Splinter. That's right, I was born a Death main, I'll die a Death main, and I'll be reborn a Dark Eternal (Death main).

Consider these tiny little analysis pieces on these CL cards and how I think they'll do in each meta.

"Deadly Touch"


CORPSE FIEND | Chaos Legion | Legendary

Stinky | Smelly | Has a BONE to pick with you | Bone Zoid

Death's Corpse Fiend is absolutely awesome, and was my first Fiend that I pulled (I now, finally, have all of them!) Corpse Fiend is a very powerful card and IMO has one of the better abilities out of the Fiends in Silence
  • If you want to improve Corpse Fiend himself, you want to use Owster Rotwell or Mimosa Nightshade, which will give it either Void or Magic Reflect, cementing it as a powerful anti-magick 0 Mana. For Dragons: Drake of Arnak, Byzantine Kitty, and Daria Dragonscale, which will add Armor or Health/Speed for tankability, and Daria adds +1 Melee, which can make him a more lethal add-on in Melee Attacks from anywhere, etc.
  • You'll love him in Divine Shield, Armored, and Equalizer anywhere where you can increase the tankiness of this 0 Mana card, he's a great play. He's also solid as a throwaway in Opportunity
  • Corpse Fiend, like the other Fiends, is a great generalist card with a decent ability at the end of its upgrades, but by being a 0 Mana, he's not specifically useful in any situation over another: If you have the space, you should put him in. Since he gets Silence, he is the least effective in Lost Magic

Corpse Fiend is spooky, but surprisingly mechanic for a boney, fleshy automaton made by Silas... That being said, he's got a BONE TO PICK WITH YOU


DEATH MAIN RAMBLE: This is gunna sound crazy, but Death has so much anti-magic built into its summoners and kit, with Death Elemental, Mimosa, Bone Golem, Djinn Muirat, etc. that, honestly... Corpse Fiend's ability isn't as useful as it sounds if you're already playing in the league it becomes available in. It's still VERY powerful in low mana, where you might only be using Death Elemental and Thaddius.


DJINN MUIRAT | Chaos Legion | Legendary

The Judas of the Djinn | Spooky Voodoo Man | He's also got a bone to pick with you

One of my first legendary pulls from Chaos Legion, and one I used quite a bit: Honestly, his Knockout ability is kind of worthless in Silver, and ramps up a bit more in Gold. But his Void Armor and stats make him an absolute god send to Death Splinter, who's best anti-magick frontline is the god awful Bone Golem.
  • Djinn Muirat pairs best with Thaddius and Mimosa, who weaken magic, and prevent Sustain or debuff Health. He can also be paired with Kitty who makes him an absolute nightmare paired with a Repair monster.
  • Use him in Armored, No Melee, Broken Arrows, Snipe, Reverse Speed, and Fog of War, he'll do quite well in nearly anything. There are a few exceptions: He's not the best choice in Unprotected or Equalizer and Poison is a bad choice for him due to not much cleanse or healing outside of Kitty as a summoner.

One of my favorite Arts from the original batch of Legendaries, Djinn is wild, those bone fingers in particular, with his nearly peach colored nails are absolutely terrifying. I like to think they're painted and he's really into goth and goth related accessories: That's right, he grew up in Hot Topic.


DEATH MAIN RAMBLE Djinn Muirat is insane, and the anti magic and repair that I wanted in Bone Golem, with an attack type that makes him not entirely useless like Bone Golem tends to be. Miss, Miss, Miss, Oh? Nope, Miss. Remember when Bone Golem spiked to like $7 because of Thaddius? Yall crazy.


LIRA THE DARK | Chaos Legion Air Drop | Legendary

So Original | Much Unique | Lire the Dark

Name aside, Lira is an absolutely fantastic addition to Chaos Legion, I do have some caveats, but they are Lore / Gameplay related, and not actually a problem with the card itself.
  • Lira the Dark pairs amazingly with Kitty or Selenia Sky. She's also very powerful with Mimosa Nightshade and Thaddius which nerfs magic, the only thing that's really gunna hit her anyways.
  • Use. her. in. Close Range, she delivers. Use her in Fog of War, Lost Magic, whatever. Throw a shield tank at her: she's not aiming at it, fool. Taunt? Whatever he'll be dead soon.
  • I don't recommend her in Poison or Reverse Speed, but I DO recommend her in Earthquake with Brighton Bloom and Dragon Jumper for some horrific Flying sabotage.

She's wonderfully intricate, and definitely a new style/artist that's working on this card, and I LOVE it. She and Iza are absolutely wild looking and I LOVE the attitude they bring.


I will say that, my caveat here is this: In the Lore, Lira the Dark is a powerful spellcaster who made a pact with a shadow to wield shadow magic and attack from a distance and move very quickly. A spellcaster. A SPELLCASTER. I love that the art matches the abilities but I also, kind of thought that the Lore would match abilities and stats as well. A magic opportunity attacker in Death would've been an absolutely exciting card (although her speed as is would definitely be broken)

DEATH MAIN RAMBLE: Lira is a nuts, high speed card, Opportunity, Snare, Swiftness, she's a very solid offensive presence that Death has needed for Modern, sorry Dhampir Stalker but we got an actual vampire now. You're out.



MAGI NECROSI | Chaos Legion | Epic

Jawa Spotted | Star Wars Lawsuit Incoming | I'm kidding (Unless George Lucas sees it.)

Magi Necrosi is one of my favorite cards in the Chaos Legion set: A Magic Sniper with Camoflage is amazing. Oppress and Stun make him a very powerful card.
  • Being a fast magic monster, Magi Necrosi benefits from Delwyn and Kitty for Dragon Summoners, and is very powerful with Thaddius as well, using his built in Health debuff to snipe targets more effectively.
  • At 6 Mana, this monster is the mid-mana equivalent of Death Elemental: Why are you NOT using it? Are you insane?
  • Play Magi Necrosi in Fog of War cuz losing Snipe doesn't stop him at all. Play him in Equalizer, Broken Arrows, Armored. The only places where Magi tends to do poorly is in Poison, Earthquake, and Reverse Speed

This is a Jawa. 10/10 Art, 10/10 Lore, nothing else needs to be said here.


DEATH MAIN RAMBLE Seriously buy this card, Oppress isn't a very powerful ability, but this is arguably the best Magic sniper in the game, and his Stun and Camouflage make him an absolute pain to deal with. In fact, in my opinion out of the Death cards, this is the FIRST card you should be buying for your Death team: That's right, sorry Djinn Muirat, sorry Corpse Fiend.


WEIRDING WARRIOR | Chaos Legion | Epic

The Weirdiest Warrior you ever did see | Plague Doctor #2 | Not a Doctor, a WARRIOR.

Weirding Warrior is the Amplify monster of Death, and at 2 Mana, he is a very powerful option for Death, who has a pelthora of Thorns and Magic Reflect at its disposal.

  • Weirding Warrior doesn't really synergize with any Death summoner by default except Owster Rotwell, who gives everybody Magic Reflect and becomes an anti-magic, thorny nightmare. For Dragons, Warrior pairs nicely with Selenia Sky and Drake of Arnak who give it either more offense, or more defense.
  • He ramps up at Level 3, when he becomes 2 Range for 2 Mana, and even moreso at Level 4, when he gains Amplify. This is in Gold league.
  • I pair Weirding Warrior in low mana, or I place him with Owster Rotwell and Cursed Windeku or Giant Scorpion, to maximize Amplify on my main tank.
  • Weirding Warrior is excellent in Reverse Speed and Armored where he takes out armor and moves quickly. I do not recommend him in Poison or Earthquake

Weirding Warrior has some cool art, he's got a very menacing pose, and he has the Red markings on him that are reminiscent of the red marks placed on doors during the Plague. Like Dr. Blight, he is one of 3 monsters who were clearly Plague Doctor inspired, and I imagine they are a full posse.


DEATH MAIN RAMBLES: I love Weirding Warrior, he has a LOT of competition in low mana, where sometimes Undead Priest is just a better option, but when you've got a Thorn team and Owster Rotwell, and you're playing with a Gold set, he's gunna do good.


INSIDIOUS WARLOCK | Chaos Legion | Epic

Plague Doctor #3 | Not a Doctor! A WARLOCK!!! | Intelligence Stat Maxed | Still in Rags | Capitalist BS

He's definitely Weirding Warrior's more magically inclined cousin, and he's not very well liked in the meta. Recharge is just not that good, and nobody seems to like him, except me. - Play him with **Delwyn** at level 2, congratulations, he's now a 5 Mana card that nets 3 Magic damage per round, in one big 6 Magic chunk. - If he can survive long enough in Blast rounds, he's absolutely devastating. He's also good in **Reverse Speed** - Pair him with Dark Ha'on to taunt enemies and force them off of his back, and let him really ramp up the damage. He also gets Blind, which will make Dark Ha'on harder to hit >:D Makes a good pair for **Kitty** - Insidious Warlock is a poor choice against bursty enemies, Recharge is an ability you want to use if you're going up against a team with very high sustain: Heals and Repair, so that you can break through it in one powerful strike. --- Definitely the most intimidating of the three, but not the most powerful, Insidious Warlock dreams of being at the top of the Plague Doctor-esque monsters, but comes up short.


DEATH MAIN RAMBLES I seriously think he doesn't get enough love, he's a very solid card for the mana, and one of the few Recharge cards I actually DO use regularly. Temporal Master sucks though.



CURSED WINDEKU | Chaos Legion | Rare

Anti-Melee Haunted Spirit | One Healy Boi | Wendigo Inspired | Thorn in my Side >:O

This card made me decide, you know what? I don't NEED a Haunted Spirit, but I still WANT one. He does a very good job of being a very solid substitute for Haunted Spirit in upper leagues, while allowing Haunted Spirit to be the clear winner in low leagues and Anti magic, creating a desire and demand for both.
  • As a powerful anti-Melee monster, Cursed Windeku pairs nicely with all of the Death summoners. They all give him either more specialization, or more generalization, which is always good for a death Tank. I'll say Contessa is probably the worst pairing. The same goes for Dragons; Cursed Windeku benefits from nearly everyone except Delwyn
  • You're gunna see this card a ton no matter what league you go to, he's just a solid card.
  • Because of his Heal in Gold, he is good in Earthquake and Poison, but in general, shines in Melee Only, Super Sneak, and Unprotected, and does not do too well in Equalizer or Reverse Speed

He's creepy, boney, and horribly eerie: 10/10 art, and he has some of the scariest / most graphic art in the game, while still remaining at least a little approachable for a PG13 perspective.


Just Kidding You're Dead.

DEATH MAIN RAMBLES: I love Cursed Windeku, I'm kind of sad that his heal is restricted to the upper leagues, and in general, many of the 'fun' abilities are now moving into higher and higher leagues. I'm worried we'll see in a few expansions cards with no abilities until the last few levels.


DHAMPIR STALKER | Chaos Legion | Rare

Blade | Blade II | Blade III | Underworld | Twilight...?

Dhampir Stalker is absolutely cool. And then Lira the Dark came. Sorry Dhampir. With True Strike and Deathblow, she is Death's answer to Llama Kron and other Last Stand and single monsters, although she needs a lot of support to effectively make use of it. This was one of my first Gold Foil Rares from the set.
  • Pairs great with Selenia Sky and Thaddius Brood, who make her offensive prowess al that much more known.
  • She gains True Strike later, making her a great Kitty Counter.
  • As a ranged attacker with sort of low speed and health, she's great in Reverse Speed and Equalizer, as well as Close Range. I would avoid using her in Poison, Armored, and Earthquake

This card has absolutely beautiful lightning, the designer here really put a lot of love into her armor, her bow, and her metallic glow. My biggest disappointment in the art is that the vampiric qualities of her are not immediately apparent: That's okay though, they do not have to be, that's something to read about in the lore. Just don't turn the lights on while she's around


DEATH MAIN RAMBLE I was initially really excited about this card, as it amps up Death's high mana with a powerful ranged attacker that cannot miss, but with the introduction of Lira the Dark, I'm worried Dhampir may fade into obscurity, poor Dhampir, completely replaced by her vampiric brethren in the same set.


SOUL STRANGLER | Chaos Legion | Rare

He's a soullllll strangler (this joke is getting old I guess now) | Nosferatu? | NOS FER A TU...

Soul Strangler's job in Splinterlands is pretty self explanatory, but what does it mean to strangle a soul? Do you crush their spirit? Do you physically strangle them while telling them they will never amount to anything? Do you tell them about your work day? Strangling other souls and how that process is, and how your work is very demanding and you don't get paid enough? Hmm.

  • Soul Strangler is a low cost monster to throw on as necessary, but like others, his synergy only lies with Dragons in Selenia Sky and Kitty
  • Soul Strangler ramps up in damage very quickly and gets Poison at max level, where he becomes an absolutely dangerous 3 mana card.
  • I do NOT use him in Earthquake, Poison, or Snipe, but like him in Reverse Speed, Equalizer, Fog of War, and Close Range

He's gunna get you, he's the guy who keeps turning off the switch in Spongebob.


DEATH MAIN RAMBLES: I love this card for Diamond League, he looks like a 10/10 card, but I hate having cards that have a single ability locked at the very max level, and I will always hate that, even when I AM at that level.


LIFE SAPPER | Chaos Legion | Rare

This card literally saps my life | If I pull ONE MORE of these things, I'll have 25 too many.

I hate him, not because he's a bad card, he's fine. I hate him because I've pulled a pack with 2 of these in the Rare slots, and he's my most common Rare of the entirety of the set and I am frankly tired of seeing him as often as I do.

  • Pair him with Delwyn, Thaddius, or Mimosa
  • This card pairs nicely in Low Mana with Venari Bonesmith if you're not expecting a Void tank, they ramp up very quickly, and if placed right, will just narrowly survive some key attacks.
  • Play Life Sapper in the following rulesets: Fog of War, Blast, Equalizer, Armored, No Healing but avoid him in Opportunity and Snipe

I don't care much for the art, it's an interesting concept but it's not really hitting for me as much as the other art does. No GIF for this one, I don't know I'm just not feeling lively enough for it. Seems like something is sapping away my energy.

DEATH MAIN RAMBLES: A very solid card, but he has huge competition in Venari Bonesmith, as they are nearly carbon copies. Venari is best for a debuff team, and Life Sapper is best for a blast/high damage team. I think of the two, I tend to use Venari Bonesmith over Life Sapper at nearly all times. Not saying Life Sapper is bad; Just, Bonesmith might be better.


THADDIUS BROOD | Chaos Legion | Rare Summoner

Call him "Big Thaddy" | | He's psychotic? | I like him too!

With -1 Magic and -1 Health, Thaddius is debuffs on steroids, and he brings another anti magic summoner into a Splinter that is absolutely filled with anti-magic summoners: That's not such a bad thing though.
  • Thaddius is an amazing debuff focused summoner, part of what makes him successful is that his damage debuff is to magic, which is one of the stronger and more commonly spammed attack types, and his secondary debuff is a universal debuff that reduces Health. This makes him pretty reliable, compared to say, Contessa or Owster, who get heavily punished for failing to call the proper attack type of your opponent.
  • Thaddius is really solid to use with cards like Bone Golem, Djiin Muirat, Legionnaire Alvar, and Scavo Hireling for an absolutely monstrous anti-magic play, while still being, in general, strong against the other attacking type.s
  • I like to use Thaddius especially in Broken Arrows, Equalizer, and Reverse Speed, and I think Thaddius is one of the few summoners where there's almost always an option to use him in most rulesets, but I'd say his weakest ruleset is Lost Magic as then he only brings a Weaken to the table.

Artwise, Brood is pretty cool, he's messy, wild, and looks like his life has been taken over by the ramblings of an interdimensional demon. He's not my favorite summoner concept wise, or art wise, but he's a very solid card in both areas.

Actual record video of Thaddius hanging out with his demon pals in the Asylum he got locked in: They were having a dance contest an Thaddius won.


DEATH MAIN RAMBLE: Thaddius is a solid summoner who offers a pretty reliable -1 HP debuff, and debuffs magic in a different way than Mimosa or Owster do, this makes him a bit more reliable as a generalist summoner due to his ability affecting something nearly evry battle. I love Contessa, but Thaddius is the summoner I will likely be maining from now on, just gotta get some levels.



SHADE | Chaos Legion | Common

Bone Vulture | Your Average Canadian Goose | Throws Shade on all the Haters

Carrion Shade grows on you after time: He's not a strong card, he's not a very good 1 Mana, in fact, he might be the worst 1 Mana, but because of his ability, and the specific Splinter he's in, he's actually a very nice addition to Death's low mana Earthquake rounds, and that makes him better than the worst 1 Mana (which is Radiated Scorcher of course). Sure he's just Albatross with Melee, but that's actually useful in Death.
  • Pair him with Daria or Drake of Arnak to actually specifically benefit Carrion Shade. I don't know WHY you're trying to benefit your 1 mana most, but, have at it.
  • Throw Carrion Shade in as cannon fodder: He exists to be a meat shield, and he does it pretty well in Earthquake rounds as a multi round buffer to be placed in position 3-5
  • As a 1 Mana, he's a great last addition to an otherwise filled team of mana, but he's particularly good in Low Mana and in Earthquake. He can also be an option in Poison rounds to give your scavenger cards a quick health bonus on Round 2.

Carrion Shade is cool, I lovehis colors, and his drippy... gaggle? Neck... Thing? Despite being a particularly gruesome looking turkey vulture of death, he is actually very aesthetic.


DEATH MAIN RAMBLES: You should have this card as a Gold Foil. You should have all 1 Mana cards as a Gold Foil, do you just hate yourself? Are you gimping your earnings on purpose or...? Oh this spot is to ramble about how good he is and his use? Well that IS his use.


CRYPT BEETLE | Chaos Legion | Common

It's a Bug's Life | Special Technique: Puke | A real Bugger

He gets no new abilities throughout his entire upgrade path, and yet, somehow he is one of my favorite commons: it might be the absolutely derpy art, it might be that he's just chilling in his own drool/vomit, or it's because this little shieldy bug completely disrupts my opponent's low mana teams especially when paired with Zintar.

  • Pair him with Zintar or Drake of Arnak to maximize his defense, Contessa is another solid option, but due to Death's current meta being more melee heavy, Zintar gets a small edge.
  • Use him in low mana battles, he is a really solid card, because many attackers in low mana just won't cut it with the right debuff.
  • Throw him in Little League, Lost Magic and really anything Low Mana, he's also quite good in Reverse Speed, also bonus points: Get a GF, this was my most recent GF from packs, very happy with it.

The derpiest bug out there, why does he have such little legs paired with his bigger legs? When he stands up, does his little legs still walk in mid-air? Because that's hilarious. 12/10 Card

Or, maybe he just wiggles back and forth.


DEATH MAIN RAMBLE: Get Crypt Bugged.


SHADOW SNITCH | Chaos Legion | Common

Snitches get Stitches | Snitches get Stit- | silence | longer silence | He's not coming back.

Shadow Snitch kind of sucks early on, he's basically the Magma Troll of Death, but unlike Magma Troll, he gets slightly more offensive, and gains Evasion, which makes him absolutely excellent in upper leagues: He still sucks though.
  • As a reach attacker, he synergizes with absolutely nothing in Death, and synergizes nicely with Daria in Dragons, who makes him slightly more lethal. I would not consider him below Level 5 though.
  • Play him in Little League, Reverse Speed, Melee Only, maybe avoid playing him in Anything Else
  • Okay Okay, I'm being harsh, but Shadow Snitch fills a much needed low mana Position 2 Reach role in Death, and that's nice. It's just a shame to see Magma Troll 2.0 instead of a new card.

Shadow Snitch isn't really much of a snitch, he pretty much is the interrogator. This guy is like the Agent Smith of the Splinterlands world.


DEATH MAIN RAMBLE: I'm still a little salty that he's just a re-skin of Magma Troll essentially, mostly because I'm not very fond of Magma Troll, and he HAS a +1 Melee summoner.


RIFT WING | Chaos Legion | Common

Batman | Da nu nu nu n u nu n u n un u n u n j n i nfjksar.rjnhanriol;hrtnaht | Bat.

Riftwing is one of the best common cards out of CL,with a ton of support abilities, high speed, high health, scavenger, and low cost, he is an absolute nightmare, and one of those cards that proves attacking does not need to happen for you to win.

  • He pairs well with all of the summoners, which debuff the opponent and make it harder to kill Riftwing: Use it with anyone.
  • Riftwing is a solid position 2 Tank, and honestly, he adds more value IMO than Shadow Snitch does, sorry Snitch.
  • Pair with 0 Manas and 1 Manas to build health
  • This monster does well in Earthquake, Equalizer, Little League, No Melee, even Poison, and more but does not do very well in Reverse Speed

Gorgeous color combo, the glowing green of the eyes really pops.


DEATH MAIN RAMBLE: Very sad this card doesn't have Return Fire. I know that Headwinds is a great ability, and really helps Death handle Yodin, but in my opinion, a Return Fire would've been a bit more situational and better focused on placement and strategy. I like that Death is very strategic: You predict, and you place correctly, or you lose. It's part of why I like Death the most.


SILENT SHA-VI | Chaos Legion | Common

Does not have Silence | The Sneakiest Snake | SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

I love Riftwing, I love Crypt Beetle, but this bad boi is nuts, with Sneak, Cripple, and Piercing, he ramps up to be one of the best Sneak Attackers in the game, and for sure in Modern.
  • As a Sneak Attacker, he pairs beautifully with Kitty and Daria, where he becomes an absolutely offensive presence. In the Death Summoners, I like to use him with Zintar, as the cards that usually are targeting a backline sneak attacker are other sneak attackers, which tend to be melee.
  • Great Mana for the stats, seriously, absolutely great.
  • Get a GOLD FOIL. Buy a ton of these, trust me.
  • Put him in Melee Only, Equalizer, but maybe avoid No Abilities, Fog of War, Super Sneak, and Poison/Earthquake

Not gunna lie: I think his art is pretty boring. He's a snake with horns.

Still, gameplay wise he's a favorite. Look at those las- horns.


DEATH MAIN RAMBLE: This is THE Death card, a common? Wow, what an amazing common. Then again, Serpentine Spy is another incredible common, so it's not too surprising. I expect this guy will be very expensive in the future (for a common)


Who's your favorite Death Chaos Legion card?

Let me know in the comments below!

My favorites are Silent Sha-vi, Djinn Muirat, and Magi Necrosi! I also plan to get a Gold-Foil of Thaddius and Silent Sha-vi if at all possible, for the 10-20% Bonus DEC in any match!

Surpise Giveaway: One of you who comments will be receiving a copy of Shadow Snitch and a Carrion Shade Because today I'm basically out of money, gosh I gotta stop buying.


Ongoing Giveaways

I have a TON of giveaways going on right now, here are some Splinterlands ones:
Chaos Legion Life Analysis: Get a Life: Win a Gargoya Scrapper and Sunkai Harvester! ends TOMORROW
Splinterlands Giveaway #4: Win a Scavo Chemist! ends 1/27/2022
Gladius Pack Opening and Giveaway: Win some LIFE cards! ends 1/30/2022

I'm also doing lots of Rising Star Giveaways which you can check out here:
Rising Star Giveaway #3: Win a Djembe! ends 1/27/2022
Rising Star Giveaway #4: Win a 62 | Angie! ends 1/30/2022


𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕟 𝕌𝕡 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕊𝕡𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕨!

Wanna collect these and MANY more Death cards? Wanna beat your friends so bad that they just straight up DIE? join Splinterlands and Get in on the Death cards while they're cheap,buy these packs >:D

if you use my link, here:
I'll send you 100 DEC when you sign up and get a spellbook, (as long as you show up as referred) which should help you get started via renting! Also, feel free to message me, I can answer any questions, give tips, et

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