Mark Zuckerberg Has a Human Sister?

It's a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I honestly had no idea... and I certainly didn't know that Randi Zuckerberg has been a Facebook executive this whole time! I wouldn't actually care about any of this, but the bigger picture matters.

And she works directly in the #crypto space now-- for OKCoin-- so it might be a good time to pay closer attention, or to at least realize and acknowledge that she does in fact exist.

Houston... We Might Have a Problem.

Maybe not though... I don't want to exaggerate the scope of what I'm saying. OKCoin is a centralized exchange anyway, so these are places that we expect to be heavily controlled and regulated.

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Photo c/o King's Church International on Unsplash.

But if we zoom out, I really do think there is a cause for concern.

As is detailed in this COIN TELEGRAPH ARTICLE, OKCoin announced that Zuckerberg "will be joining the platform’s brand advisory council in its aim to bring more women into crypto". They are committing a million bucks to this specific cause.

So I'm going to just come out and say that OKCoin specifically is making a huge mistake with this initiative. and they will fail miserably as a result. Playing identity politics and forcing outcomes is not the solution to any problem, and I predict it will fare much worse in the crypto sphere.

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Photo c/o Jon Tyson on Unsplash.

It's not about women in crypto though-- we all welcome them-- but more about injecting the same woke culture that has been infecting other landscapes, like the film and music industries, into our own ideally decentralized crypto communities.

It has begun.

A flattering PROFILE PIECE over at gives a more complete and succinct picture of Randi Zuckerberg's relative influence:

[Zuckerberg] was also a correspondent for the 2011 Golden Globe Awards and the World Economic Forum in Davos. Randi was recently appointed to the United Nations Foundation Global Entrepreneurs Council and the World Economic Forum’s Global Council on Social Media.

You may have also missed her recent appointment to the Board of Directors of a little company called Life360. As is described in THIS ARTICLE in Business Wire, "Life360 operates a platform for today’s busy families, bringing them closer together by helping them better know, communicate with and protect the people they care about most."

Corporations Will Always Pander for Profits.

My spidey senses have learned to perk up when I hear idyllic sentiments like this in corporate copywriting... like pure snake oil. And it gets even more slick. "The company’s core offering, the Life360 mobile app," the article continues, "is a market leading app for families, with features that range from communications to driving safety and location sharing."

So this veritable data treasure trove is being piled up for the betterment of families... that's a likely story, isn't it? And now that freak Mark Zuckerberg's sister-- a recent spokesperson for #Facebook, and its former Director of market development (the same Facebook that was caught illegally selling its users' data)-- is on Life360's Board of Directors?

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Photo c/o Snowscat on Unsplash.

Where did she even come from?!

Seriously... I find myself constantly getting surprised by these players at various levels of bureaucracy in different industries-- government, medical, corporate, et cetera-- crawling out from under their rocks all of a sudden and influencing our lives.

I suspect this won't be the last time I talk about these strange types of development... but it just grinds my gears. What's with the corporate shuffle that's happening right now? Resignations, retirements, new appointments... something is afoot. I wish I had answers for you.

The one thing I will say unequivocally: steer clear of #OKCoin.

What do you think? Does this particular appointment bother you, or is it just a flash in the pan? Or maybe you're an OKCoin client with something to say. Let me know in the comments. Thanks so much for reading! :)
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