Off Grid Coffee Maker

So the other day I was going about my morning as usual.  Right now I get up and put on the kettle to get the water boiling.  While I do that I let Grace in so she can begin her sleep cycle after a long night working.  I turn eggs, right now we are incubating eggs.  At 6 am is the morning turn.  Also I get my little computer started, it takes quite a bit of time go get going.  After all of this is done then it is time for coffee.  Yay

I have a little container that sits on top of my cup so I am making a one cup coffee.  I use a coffee filter inside just to stop most of the sludge.  This works really well.  I used to use a regular coffee maker but it died.  I do have a coffee maker and use it when we have company but it takes so much power I just decided that this is just as easy.

So once the coffee is in the cup time to get the milk in there.  Well it was a diffiult morning.  I couldn't get into the milk jar.  The lid was so tight that it took the two of us to get in.  Frustrating (well a bit).  I do have fresh goat's milk but it is still tasting like grass, my little mama hasn't sweetened it up yet.  Too soon after delivery.  She will sweeten it up in a few weeks.  My take on that is they make the milk taste like grass so the babies will know the flavor when they start to eat grass. Any way I have gotten side tracked.  So the first cup tasted like grassy coffee, not bad but the second cup was more like I am used to.  Way better.  

I am also doing this little post to see if my computer will work. In my last post I can't seem to make the pictures show up.  So I hope this works.   

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