Love is in the Air?

Yesterday we had some really beautiful sort of wispy clouds and I've found that you can often get rainbow colors in the clouds in certain specific conditions like that if you get those light wispy clouds in front of the sun.

The first time I'd ever seen this was also the first time I ever filmed UFOs, me and my dad were filming the rainbow colors in the clouds all the way back in 2012 I think maybe it was? And later on the computer when watching the footage closer I saw UFOs, so... In light of that I was not just filming the beautiful clouds yesterday I was also hoping to get some UFOs, and...

I recorded two interesting things. One was just a flash of light for a second up in the sky which puzzled me and then I also got a clip with a small white dot flying through the sky which I'm pretty confident it is not a plane.
There might be more too! I only looked through a few of the clips that I took yesterday...

So... Yesterday I also had an experience where something dropped out of the sky and hit me on the cheek and the only thing I could find below at my feet that seemed like it could have been what hit me was a very small heart shaped rock.

I told my mom that story this morning and then she called me back and read me a passage from one of her books where a woman saw a bunch of angels in the sky and then a feather dropped down to her given to her from the angels and then I thought about my experience and also how some people believe that angels and UFOs are connected or are essentially one and the same.

For example, look at the Ancient Aliens show... They often claim that angels from the bible and UFOs are essentially the same thing. Plus, there was another guy I discovered on YouTube who claimed to be able to summon UFOs and he did so live on Las Vegas News and many other times recorded it and claimed that they were angels of Yahweh and that even Jesus Christ was coming back one day with those angels to save our planet.

I'm not saying I believe all that, I'm just saying that these are some things other people have claimed or believed in regard to this kind of stuff that make me wonder about what's going on.

I thought maybe the item falling and hitting me on the cheek and finding the heart shaped rock was a sign from Amanda or from the Universe and maybe it was, but... What if it was like an angel up in the sky or an alien or something?

I don't know, maybe it's none of those things and something else entirely happened?
Like one of my friends said... And, I'm paraphrasing but... It's not so important what really happened in regard to all that, what's important is just that finding that little heart shaped rock was a nice reminder that "I am loved". <3


Here's a pic of the heart shaped rock, I know it's not perfect. It looks a lil broken so to speak, but it's close enough for me. :) And... I'll share the video of the UFO and the flash of light in the sky at some point in the future.

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