Story-time Wednesday: Ready for some stories?

Life. Memories. These two go hand in hand. Sometimes, life gives you a handful of happy moments, and other times, it throws sadness your way. There are times you want these moments to last forever, and times when you wish it would end. Life gives you things you want to remember forever, and other times, you sincerely wish to forget it all. Life is truly a bittersweet symphony- it hands you whatever it pleases, with no warning.

It’s 3 a.m, and I’ve been lying in my bed, wide awake, reminiscing about countless good memories. One that stands out, stirring all sort of emotions, is a crush I had for a guy I met in church six years ago. So,I figured- why not share it?

Has a conversation with someone ever let you feeling both sad and excited at the same time? Has it made you feel kind of stupid, but oddly glad you felt that way? Mixed feelings like these can be confusing, but also a little exciting.

I’ll be starting a weekly storytelling series every Wednesday here on my blog. Some episodes might be funny, embarrassing, serious, and others just plain unexpected. I promise you, it won’t be boring. And no!!! I won’t alter what happened to gain an audience. It’ll be as real as it was.


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