Welcoming No Agenda Artists and Producers to Hive

I'll try to keep this short and sweet!

If you upload art to No Agenda Art Generator, a post with a link to your art is being made for you on Hive automatically. Hive is a weird mix up of social media and blockchain crypto. I wrote about it for No Agenda Producers here.

Bottom line is that posts on Hive can earn you crypto. It's a kind of crypto called Hive and HBD (HBD is $1 worth of Hive) and whilst it starts out being small amounts, if you stick at it as I did for 2 years, it turns into something valuable. And infinity % more than you get from Zuckerberg.

Get a Hive account

Either you can do it yourself, instructions below, or contact me and I'll set it up and either keep or hand the keys to you (along with instructions on changing them). I want to make this easy. I'm acutely aware that Hive isn't the easiest thing to get started on, we're working on that.

The first thing you need is a Hive account, and I'll be posting a link over on NA Social. I know this sucks but you pretty much have to use a proper computer for this, not a phone. You'll be given some keys and a master password: keep these very safe. You'll hopefully only need to put your master password into the HiveKeychain once, then it stores all your keys.

This is my Hive Invite link. Lets try this!

Get HiveKeychain

Get yourself the Hive Keychain plugin for your browser (this is the easiest way to use Hive). Once you have your new keys, HiveKeychain stores them for you.

Tell @brianoflondon who you are

Then you need to tell @brianoflondon either here in a comment or over on NA Social what your NoAgendaArtGenerator name is. A link to one of your pieces is an easy way to tell me. As soon as you do this, you'll start receiving the value from votes for your art going forward.

Posting Authority

There's one further step, this is to allow the bot to post as if it were you. This is icing on the cake. I'll explain more when there's a few people to tell this to, but if you know Hive, you need to grant Posting Authority to @no-agenda.art . It can be done via the Keys and Permissions page on Peak but I might have to build a special site for it.

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