Great news for those of us who have been exposing the massively arrogant and frankly possibly criminal use of 'fluoride' in water supplies around the world. Not only has a major new study been published that reinforces the many other studies that show that Fluoridation lowers IQ in children, but the issue is now being forced to a court case in America which will, for the first time, force the government's 'experts' to testify under oath..!
James Corbett interviewed Dr. Paul Connett recently to let us know an update on all this. I have provided more useful links below:
New EPA Study into Water Fluoridation Shows Significant Damage to Childrens' Brains and IQ
A new 12 Year study, funded by EPA and other key bodies - performed by prestigious universities from North America confirms that there is a statistically significant connection between fluoride in mother's urine and lowered IQ in their children. Unborn children have been harmed by water fluoridation for decades and this study (along with numerous others) solidifies this fact.
The amazing thing here is that the EPA's defense in the ongoing court case in America wherein the Government policy of water fluoridation is being legally challenged (by the Fluoride Action Network and others) is mainly that the mountain of studies that show an IQ drop in fluoridated children are 'junk science' - however, this new study is funded BY the EPA and it totally contradicts them!
Bashash M, Thomas D, Hu H, et al. 2017. Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years of Age in Mexico.
Excerpt from study: In this study, higher levels of maternal urinary fluoride during pregnancy (a proxy for prenatal fluoride exposure) that are in the range of levels of exposure in other general population samples of pregnant women as well as nonpregnant adults were associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive function in the offspring at 4 and 6–12 y old.
Dr. Paul Connett of the Fluoride Action Network introduces the study in the following video and goes into more depth in his interview with @corbettreport (see below):
Many Studies Show the Link Between Fluoride Exposure and Lowered IQ
For a full breakdown/overview of the studies in question, I suggest reading the page at the Fluoride Action Network here. The following is taken from that page:
As of September 2017, a total of 59 studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence, and over 40 studies have investigated the relationship fluoride and learning/memory in animals. Of these investigations, 52 of the 59 human studies have found that elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ, while 45 animal studies have found that fluoride exposure impairs the learning and/or memory capacity of animals. The human studies, which are based on IQ examinations of over 12,000 children, provide compelling evidence that fluoride exposure during the early years of life can damage a child’s developing brain.
After reviewing 27 of the human IQ studies, a team of Harvard scientists concluded that fluoride’s effect on the young brain should now be a “high research priority.” (Choi, et al 2012). Other reviewers have reached similar conclusions, including the prestigious National Research Council (NRC), and scientists in the Neurotoxicology Division of the Environmental Protection Agency (Mundy, et al). In the table below, we summarize the results from the 51 studies that have found associations between fluoride and reduced IQ and provide links to full-text copies of the studies. For a discussion of the 7 studies that did not find an association between fluoride and IQ, click here.
Source: Fluoride Alert
Fund Raising For the Court Case
If you want to support the action to clean up our water and to bring justice and integrity that little bit closer - while also improving the world's IQ levels - please consider donating to the Fluoride Action Network. You can click on the banner image above to go to the info page on their site.
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul
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