The Obsurd Has Become the Norm

How many times have you heard something that has happened that really made you Question Humanity?

How often do u think: "Wow! I'm so PROUD of Humanity" - Sir H. Sarcasm

Last time I actually had that actually feeling was watching a documentary on Bit Coin.

No this is not a political views post or a post trying get u to buy into anything. I genuinely just want you to think. Makes those Neurons and Electrons Fire and just think...

Now that your thinking... Let me ask u a question? WTF is going on, on this planet does anyone have an idea? I mean yesterday a pedophile uploaded child porn to facebook and ppl actually shared it. Like grown ppl with children as if the likes would help the situation. SMH. Like what happen to genuine concern. Ask your self has humans ever really been decent to each other as a whole? I literally can't point to a date where I can say this is when all humans where atleast decent to each other. Do u think we can be decent to each other or is it in our nature to be irrational and think with our primitive lower selves. When will greed go out of style. I don't mean disappear but when will it not be cool to be a greedy self indulgent ass? When will Natural And Organic replace materialism and artificial? Never? OK just checking. I ask these questions not entirely rhetorically. But I don't feel answers are always verbal. I feel the Obsurdity of today can only be defeated thru action.

Action is the one thing that separates fact from feeling. We all feel, I think today people are to sensitive to feeling and not feeling enough to act. Yes, the world's collapsing and the financial market is shit. So what. What are you gonna do about our planet but talk? No matter your social views the one thing constant is our need for this planet. We can let war and hate rip this place apart and we all loose or we can stand as men and women and Act to the contrary. Simply put we can all go buy sex dolls and go have sex with a corpse or we can start interacting healthy and get some real human touch going on. Bottom line, have responsible sex and in the meantime Make sure your actions on a daily make this planet better. Lord knows we don't need anymore Obsurdity or douchebaggery. There's enough going around #StayGolden #TheGoldX

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