##Profile of Fatwa

Name: A. M. Fatwa
Place, Date of Birth: Bone, South Sulawesi, February 12, 1939
Position: Member of DPD RI (2014-2019)



  • Islamic University Lecturer Prof.Dr. Mustopo (Beragama), Jakarta (1964 - 1965)
  • Head of Sub Directorate of Community Development Directorate of Politics DKI Jakarta Special Staff of Religion and Politics Jakarta Capital City Governor Ali Sadikin (1970 - 1977)
  • Special Staff of the Minister of Religion (Tarmizi Taher) (1996 - 1998)
  • DPR from Reformasi (1999 - 2004)
    Engagement in the Organization:
  • Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives from the Reform Faction
  • DPR from PAN (Partai Amanat Nasional) (2004 - 2009)
    Engagement in the Organization:
  • Member of Commission I of the PAN Faction (Partai Amanat Nasional)
  • Member of Commission II of PAN Faction (National Mandate Party)
  • DPD from (2009 - 2014)
  • DPD from (2014 - 2019)


  • Founder / Founder and Declarator of the National Mandate Party (PAN)
  • Members of the Indonesian Islamic Youth Movement (GPII) in Bone and Sumbawa (1954)
  • Leader of Pandu Islam Indonesia Team (1954 - 1959)
  • Member / Council of Advisors of the Association of Families of Indonesian Islamic Students (PII) from the level of the Commissariat, Branch and Executive Board (1957)
  • Member of the Military Youth Cooperation Agency (1958-1961)
  • Member of the National Front for the Liberation of West Irian, Sumbawa (1958 - 1959)
  • Member / Vice Chairman of Institution Hikmah Pimpinan Pusat (1959)
  • Expert Team of Muhammadiyah Central Leaders from Branch, Branch / Region and Central Leadership (Lembaga Hikmah) (1959)
  • Members of the Commissariat, Branch and Executive Board of the Islamic Student Association (HMI) (1960)
  • Advisory Board Member KAHMI (1960)
  • Student Member of ALRI Office (1960 - 1963)
  • Member of Central Youth Front (1961 - 1962)
  • Member of the Military Cooperation Board (BKSPM) (1961 - 1962)
  • Chairman of ALRI Commisariat Jakarta (1961 - 1962)
  • Chairman of the Senate Student Corps Candidate of ALRI Officers throughout Indonesia (1962 - 1963)
  • Secretary of Islamic Youth Organization of Indonesia (1962 - 1963)
  • Secretary of the Union of All Indonesian Muslim Youth Organizations (Porpisi), Central Confederation Organization (1963 - 1964)
  • Chairman of Student Senate Ushuluddin / Da'wah and Member of Student Council IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta (1963 - 1964)
  • Members of the National Front Center (1963 - 1964)
  • The signing of the Declaration of the establishment of the Joint Secretariat of the Working Group (Sekber Golkar, Representing Elements of Youth-Students (1964)
  • Executive Board of Islamic Higher Education Foundation (PTDI) East Java Coordinating Board (1967 - 1969)
  • Imam of ALRI Army (1967 - 1970)
  • Chairman of the 5th Institute of Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran Development (MTQ), Jakarta (1972)
  • Secretary of Islamic Dakwah Corps of DKI (1973)
  • Founder and Chairman of LP MTQ DKI Jakarta (1973)
  • Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Yayasan Putra Fatahillah, which operates in the Education Field of Kindergarten and Kindergarten Teacher (1973)
  • Coordinating Agency of PTDI Jakarta (1973 - 1977)
  • Secretary I and Member of the Commission for Islamic Students Islamiyah Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) of DKI Jakarta (1975 - 1979)
  • Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Agency for Amil Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqah (Basis) of DKI Jakarta (1976)
  • Chairman of Coordination of Islamic Da'wah (KODI) of DKI Jakarta (1976 - 1979)
  • Group Secretary Hajj Discussion (1976 - 1979)
  • General Secretary of the Muslim Charity Council, Organization of Confederations of Central-level Islamic Society (1976 - 1977)
  • Chairman of the Islamic Policy Institute Samanhudi (1977 - 1978)
  • Founder and Board of Trustees of Pondok Karya Pembangunan Foundation (1977)
  • The founder and the Basic Concept of Organization and Institutionalization of MTQ National to LPTQ National (1977)
  • Secretary and Signatory of Working Group (Pokja) Petisi 50 (1980 - 1984)
  • Chairman of II Corps Mubaligh Indonesia (1983 - 1984)
  • Orsat Adviser and Advisory Board of Central Executive of ICMI Orwil DKI Jakarta (1993)
  • Founder of P3SDM Foundation (Center for Human Resource Development and Training) (1994)
  • Chairman of Mubaligh Corps of Muhammadiyah DKI Jakarta (1997 - 1999)
  • Chairman of DPP PAN (1998 - 2000)
  • Caucus Member November 11 (2000)
  • Chairman of DPP PAN (2000 - 2005)
  • Secretary of Amil Zakat Nasinal Board (Baznas) (2001)
  • Advisory Board of IAIN / UIN Alumni Association (Ikaluin) Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta (2002)
  • DPP Family Harmony Counselor South Sulawesi (KKSS) (2002)
  • Board of Trustees of Yayasan Asrama and Pendidikan Islam (YAPI) Al-Azhar Rawamangun (2002)
  • Vice Chairman of MPP DPP PAN (2005)
  • Vice Chairman of the Honorary Board of ESQ Alumni Communication Forum (2006)
  • Advisor to the Family Association Sospol / Kesbang DKI Jakarta (2006)
  • Founder and Chairman of The Fatwa Center (tFC) (2008).


  • Books: For the sake of the Revolution, now for the sake of Development: Exception in the Court. Publisher: YLBHI, Jakarta (1985)
  • Books: For the sake of a regime, democracy and religious belief prosecuted (Summary of Defense in Court), Publisher: First Print: Gramedia, Jakarta (1986)
  • Book: I live and practice Pancasila Precisely I am a Muslim: Thesis Release from Prison. Publisher: Bina Ilmu, Surabaya (1994)
  • Books: Islam and the State. Publisher: Bina Ilmu, Surabaya (1995)
  • Book: Sues from the Prison Room: Political Letters AM Fatwa. Publisher: Second Matter: Teraju (Mizan), Bandung (1995)
  • Book: From Pulpit To Jail. Publisher: Mirzan, Bandung (1999)
  • One Multiparty Islam. Publisher: Mirzan, Bandung (1999)
  • Book: Sued from the Prison Chamber: Political Letters AM Fatwa. Publisher: First Print: Prima Netcom Inaya, Bandung (1999)
  • Books: For the sake of a regime, democracy and religious belief prosecuted (Summary of Defense in Court), Publisher: Second Matter: Gramedia, Jakarta (2000)
  • Book: Theist Democracy: Constructing the Integration of Religion and Politics. Publisher: Gramedia, Jakarta (2001)
  • Books: Regional Autonomy and Democratization of the Nation. Publisher: Yarsif Watampone, Jakarta (2003)
  • Books: PAN Lifting the Harkat and Dignity of Man. Publisher: Intrans, Jakarta (2003)
  • Books: Campaign of Political Parties on Campus. Publisher: Gramedia, Jakarta (2003)
  • Books: From Cipinang Ke Senayan: Notes of the Legislative Reform Movement and Activities to ST MPR 2002. Publishers: Intrans, Jakarta (2003)
  • Book: Continuing the Reform of Building Democracy: The Trace of the Indonesian Parliamentary Step 1999-2004. Publisher: Rajawali Press, Jakarta (2004)
  • Book: Problem of Poverty, Zakat as an Alternative Solution. Together: Djamal Doa and Aries Mufti. Publisher: Teraju (Mizan), Jakarta (2004)
  • Books: Notes from Senayan: Final Memory of Duties in the Legislative 1999-2004. Publisher: Intrans, Jakarta (2004)
  • Book: Sues From Prison, Political letters AM Fatwa (2004)
  • Books: PAN Telling the New Era: Reorientation Thirst. Publisher: Republika, Jakarta (2005)
  • Book: Ad Hoc Human Rights Control Tanjung Priok: Truth Disclosure For National Reconciliation. Publisher: Dharmapena, Jakarta (2005)
  • Book: Presenting Moderatism Against Terrorism. Publisher: First Print: Blantika, Jakarta (2006)
  • Book: Presenting Moderatism Against Terrorism. Publisher: Second Print: Blantika, Jakarta (2007)
  • Books: Khutbah-Khutbah Politik A.M. Fatwa in the New Order. Publisher: Suara Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta (2007)
  • Book: A Decade of Reform: Hope and Reality. Publisher: the Fatwa Center, Jakarta (2008)


  • Well Performed Men and Women of the Year 2003 Award from Indonesia Lestari Foundation (2003)
  • Indigenous Charter of Paksi Unity Pak Skala Brak (Old Kingdom in Lampung) with Tumenggung Alip Jaya Degree (2003)
  • Insight of Radyolaksono and Notohadinagoro's Name from Pakubuwono XII (2003)
  • Title Kanjeng Pangeran (KP) from Surakarta Hadiningrat (2003)
  • The Longest Pledoi Writer in the Court (1118 Pages) from the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) (2004)
  • Most Productive Legislator Writing Books from MURI (2004)
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