SATGAS Pengamanan Pintu Utama (P2U) Rumah Tahanan Negara (Rutan) Idi, Aceh Timur, berhasil menggagalkan upaya penyelundupan sabu-sabu ke Rutan tersebut, Rabu 21 Maret 2018. Narkotika golongan satu ini diantar seorang lelaki yang belum dikenal, dengan cara disembunyikan dalam cairan shampo botol, sekira pukul 11:45. Shampo ini dititip bersama satu nasi bungkus, satu sikat gigi dan satu pengharum ruangan, untuk penghuni kamar nomor 6 atas nama Lanang. Namun, setelah diperiksa petugas, tidak ada nama penghuni Rutan Idi atas nama Lanang, baik nama asli maupun samaran. Barang-bukti dua paket sabu dengan berat sekitar 5 gram sudah diserahkan ke pihak Satnarkoba Polres Aceh Timur. Sementara identitas lelaki pengantar paket, yang langsung pergi usai menitip barang pada petugas P2U, masih dalam proses penyelidikan.
The Main Door Security Unit (P2U) House of State Custody (Rutan) Idi, East Aceh, succeeded in thwarting the attempts to smuggle shabu-shabu into the Rutan on Wednesday, March 21, 2018. This narcotics was delivered by a man whose identity is still being investigated, by way of hidden in liquid bottle shampoo, at approximately 11:45. This shampoo is packed with one packet of wrapped rice, one toothbrush and one air freshener, for the occupants of room number 6 on behalf of Lanang. However, after being questioned by the officers, there is no name of the inmate of Rutan Idi on behalf of Lanang, either real or pseudonym. Evidence of two packages of shabu weighing about 5 grams has been submitted to the Unit Narcotics and Drugs Police East Aceh. While the identity of the delivery man, who immediately gone after passing goods to the P2U officer, is still in the process of investigation.
“Kasus ini juga sudah kita laporkan ke Kanwilkumham Aceh di Banda Aceh. Kita agak kesulitan mengungkap identitas pelaku pengantar paket itu lantaran rutan ini belum dilengkapi kamera pengawas (CCTV),” kata Effendi, bekas Kepala Rutan Blangkejeren yang baru beberapa pekan menjadi Kepala Rutan Idi, Kamis 22 Maret 2018 siang.
Kepala Sub Seksi (Kasubsi) Pelayanan Tahanan dan Pengelolaan Rutan Idi, Rusydi, menambahkan, setiap barang yang diantar atau dititip untuk tahanan dan narapidana memang diperiksa lebih dulu oleh petugas. Jika mencurigakan, paket akan digeledah, supaya barang ilegal tidak mudah masuk ke dalam rutan.
“Siang itu, saat petugas sedang memeriksa barang-barag ini, tiba-tiba pengantarnya langsung pergi. Dan saat tutup botol shampo dibuka, di dalamnya terlihat dua bungkusan plastik bening, tercampur dalam cairan shampo. Kita kemudian berkoordinasi dengan pihak kepolisian, dan setelah diteliti, rupanya dua paket itu berisi sabu-sabu,” kata Rusydi.
"This case has also been reported to the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Aceh in Banda Aceh. We have a little difficulty to reveal the identity of the introductory actors of the package because this prison has not been equipped with CCTV, "said Effendi, who just a few weeks became Head of Rutan Idi, Thursday 22 March 2018.
Head of Sub Section (Kasubsi) Prisoner Service Rutan Idi, Rusydi, added, any goods delivered or dititip for prisoners were first checked by the officer. If suspicious, the packet will be searched, so illegal goods are not easily entered into the prison.
"That afternoon, when the officer was checking this stuff, suddenly the delivery man went straight away. And when the shampoo bottle cap is opened, inside it looks two clear plastic packages, mixed in shampoo. We then coordinate with the police, and after investigated, apparently the two packages contain shabu-shabu, "said Rusydi. (***).
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