The FRN Daily News Brief 2020-03-20

This Daily FRN News Brief is a summary of 9, articles about Anglo-5, Cia, Conspiracy-Theories, Headline-News, Opinions, Politics, United-Kingdom, United-States, Eurasia, Russia, Eu, Nato, China, Finance, Mena, Iraq, Isis.

Tags in this brief: Butler, Coup, Deep State, Depopulation, Fdr, Hitler, Malthusian, New Deal, New Silk Road, Prescott Bush, Wall Street Coup, 1st Amendment, DNC, DOJ, Hoax, Independent Journalism, Russiagate, Russian Bot, Troll Army, Troll Farm, Coronavirus, Geopolitics, Military, NATO, Russia, USA, Politics, Trump, Economy, UK, Iraq, US Imperialism, China, Islamic State, Terrorism, War.

Let us know in the comments if there is anything you miss coverage on!

Table of Contents

Why Assume There Will Be a 2020 election? General Butler and the ‘Wall Street Putsch’ Revisited

Published 2020-03-20 17:44:16 by Matthew Ehret in Anglo-5, Cia, Conspiracy-Theories, Headline-News, Opinions, Politics, United-Kingdom, United-States

The upcoming American elections are just around the corner and everyone is wondering if the new president will be named Trump, Biden, Sanders or none of the above. I can hear the incredulous reader exclaim: Wait, what does “none of the above” mean?? It’s certainly going to be one of those three isn’t it?? It is often too easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees and in the opinion-packed world of endless talking head commentaries, every leaf and branch is scrutinized by professional opinionators so closely that many forget that the entire forest is on fire. As... Continue ->

Tags: Butler, Coup, Deep State, Depopulation, Fdr, Hitler, Malthusian, New Deal, New Silk Road, Prescott Bush, Wall Street Coup

DOJ Quietly Drops Case Against Russian 'Troll Farm' They Accused of Meddling in 2016 Election

Published 2020-03-20 17:14:34 by Guest Author in Anglo-5, Eurasia, Headline-News, Russia, United-States

FRN happily republishes this piece, as our team was placed square in the middle of the Russian Troll Army investigation, wherein our parent organization CSS was the subject of a US House Intel Committee briefing related to the failed Mueller investigation. Googling about this, with our names and Fort Russ News and Syncretic Studies reveals a lot - J. Flores, EiC   By Chris Menahan - Information Liberation The Justice Department decided to quietly drop their case against the Russian "troll farm" the Internet Research Agency while the coronavirus was distracting everyone. This indictment was the crux of the entire... Continue ->

Tags: 1st Amendment, DNC, DOJ, Hoax, Independent Journalism, Russiagate, Russian Bot, Troll Army, Troll Farm

Coronavirus Defeats NATO? Pentagon Cancels Deployment of 20,000 Troops to Poland for Anti-Russia War Games

Published 2020-03-20 16:00:03 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Eu, Eurasia, Headline-News, Nato, Politics, Russia, United-States

PENTAGON - With much of its top brass in self-quarantine and the United States State Department recommending against travel, United States Army Europe command canceled the deployment of thousands of American troops to Poland for massive war games aimed at Russia. The upcoming "Defender Europe 2020" military drills, which would have involved forces from numerous NATO countries, including 20,000 from the United States, have been “modified … in size and scope” in response to the burgeoning COVID-19 pandemic, Sputnik reported. “As of March 13, all movement of personnel and equipment from the United States to Europe has ceased,” US European... Continue ->

Tags: Coronavirus, Geopolitics, Military, NATO, Russia, USA

Trump's Covid-19 Programme: Crisis Response, Turning Tables, and Corona-tion

Published 2020-03-20 12:30:24 by Curwen Ares Rolinson in Anglo-5, China, Eu, Eurasia, Finance, Headline-News, Mena, Nato, Politics, United-States

One of the curious concepts in a crisis is the way in which the 'old rules' don't so much not apply, as seem actively turned upon their head. We've seen this, just these past few days, in the European Union - wherein Germany's pirouetted from being the most trenchant possible supporter of the (Common) Market Uber Alles for much of the past decade, and particularly as applies Mediterranean members of the Union and the borderless movement of peoples within the Schengen area ... through to its more recent enthusiasm for locking down its borders and endeavouring to prohibit German private... Continue ->

Tags: Coronavirus, Geopolitics, Politics, Trump, USA

Bank of England Considering 'Printing Money' to Contain Coronavirus Crisis

Published 2020-03-20 12:00:19 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Finance, Headline-News, United-Kingdom

LONDON - As the coronavirus outbreak worsens in the United Kingdom, the British establishment is considering resorting to more and more drastic measures to contain the crisis that the coronavirus outbreak cause. Earlier on Wednesday, the Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, told Sky News he is considering printing money to distribute to households to ease their financial burden. Governor Andrew Bailey, who is effectively in charge of the United Kingdom’s central bank, said the Bank of England will do “what it takes” to overcome the “unprecedented” economic “emergency”. The intervention of the governor of Bank of England... Continue ->

Tags: Coronavirus, Economy, UK

IRAQ: US Soldiers Locked up in K1 Base Like A Prison

Published 2020-03-20 11:00:34 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Headline-News, Iraq, Mena, Politics, United-States

BAGHDAD/ WASHINGTON, D.C. - A senior commander of the Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces - PMF) Iraqi state-sponsored Shia militia said that the United States forces in Kirkuk do not play any role in the establishment of security in the region and have been locked up in the K1 military base. “The K1 base in Kirkuk in which the US forces have been deployed has turned into a large prison,” Ali al-Hosseini told the Arabic-language Baghdad al-Youm news website on Thursday. Ali al-Hosseini also added that the United States personnel are not running any operations in Kirkuk as the region... Continue ->

Tags: Iraq, US Imperialism

MAJOR: China Reports Zero New Domestic Virus Cases for First Time

Published 2020-03-20 10:00:53 by Drago Bosnic in China, Eurasia, Headline-News

BEIJING - China marked a major milestone in its battle against the coronavirus as it recorded zero domestic infections for the first time since the outbreak emerged, but a spike in imported cases threatened its progress. The stark reversal comes as nations across the world have shut down in a desperate effort to contain the pandemic, with more people now infected and having died abroad than in China, AFP reported. There were no new cases in Wuhan - the central city where the virus first emerged in December - for the first time since authorities started publishing figures in January,... Continue ->

Tags: China, Coronavirus

US Stock Markets Crash as Coronavirus Hammers Global Economy

Published 2020-03-20 09:00:07 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Finance, Headline-News, United-States

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Wall Street faced another steep dive on Wednesday as stimulus measures by governments in response to the global coronavirus crisis have failed to impress investors. Trading was even temporarily suspended at one point, RT reported. The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged over 1,400 points right after the opening bell. The S&P 500 index and the Nasdaq Composite have lost over seven percent, leading to a 15-minute "circuit breaker" halt at around 1 pm Eastern time. Shares trading on the London, Frankfurt, and Paris bourses faced another day of huge losses, with key indices falling between three and... Continue ->

Tags: Coronavirus, Economy, USA

MAJOR: Iraqi Official Reveals US Assistance to ISIS Terrorists in Iraq-Syria Border Desert

Published 2020-03-20 04:43:55 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Headline-News, Iraq, Isis, Mena, United-States

BAGHDAD/WASHINGTON, D.C. - A senior Iraqi official warned that the ISIL/ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Levant/Syria, also known as the Daesh) terrorists are being supported by the United States and their Western and Wahhabi allies in the western deserts of al-Anbar along the border with Syria. “The US is increasing its forces in al-Anbar and monitors the bordering line between Iraq and Syria,” Head of Badr Organization's Office in al-Anbar Qusai al-Anbari told the Arabic-language al-Ma’aloumeh news website on Thursday. He added that the United States of America is attempting to transfer the largest-ever number of Islamic State terrorists into Iraq, adding... Continue ->

Tags: Iraq, Islamic State, Terrorism, US Imperialism, War

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