Jewish Supremacy: 10 Year Plan To Completely Enslave The Goy

Jewish Supremacists had considered various permutations and were convinced they would finally completely take over the world within 10 years, and there was nothing the clueless goyim could do to scuttle these plans.Then the unexpected happened.

The plan was to have Bernie Sanders become the Democrat candidate, then direct all Jewish controlled media and technological behemoths to build him up and destroy the Republican candidate. If the Jewish Supremacists wanted Sanders as the Democrat candidate, Hillary Clinton stood no chance of winning the party ticket.

But the emergence of Donald Trump as a front-runner in the Republican party thwarted the Jewish Supremacists’ plans. They knew that Sanders stood no chance against Trump and they had to change plans midway through the Primary campaigns and throw their weight behind Mrs Clinton.

Interestingly, many prominent Jews say President Trump is a very good friend of Israel(and Jews). Then why is most of the Jewish owned press so hostile to him? Why is the Jewish controlled Deep State so hostile to him? Could it be because they are very bitter with him for delaying their plans to completely take over the world?

Has the plan by Jewish Supremacists to take over the world and enslave all goyim been delayed, or completely thwarted? Time will tell. Meanwhile, the Jewish Supremacists are very busy looking for a way to start a big war, hoping to use the ensuing confusion to re-energize and resume the original plan to conquer and enslave the gentile in the quickest time possible.

A prominent Jew once said that if the Jewish population in a country reaches 0.5%, they will already have a parallel government in place, and if they hit 2%, they would be in total control of the government, but the clueless goyim would never figure it out.

Goyim’s Life as Jewish Slaves

The people naming the Jew now would have it extremely rough as slaves of the Jew. They would be made to work in roles they are ill-equipped to perform e.g. playing drums for the Jewish rulers during dinner time, as god’s self-chosen entertain their friends. It would not matter to the Jew that the goy cannot play the drums, since the aim is not to listen to music, but to enjoy and get amused by the sight of the humiliated naked gentile struggling to work out a rhythm with the drums.

Hierarchy Within Jewish Supremacism

It is very likely that there is a clear hierarchy within Jewish supremacism, though most probably, no goy knows whether they have one leader or multiple leaders. What is obvious is that the enforcement arm of Jewish Supremacism is the Mossad. Therefore, whomever controls Mossad must be among the top leaders of the cult.

If one of the leaders of the Jewish Supremacist cult were to go to hell, it is very likely that Lucifer would kick him out, proclaiming: “I don’t like competition.” Could ordinary Jews be victims and unwilling participants in the cult’s activities?

Great Jews

Mordechai Vanunu is a great Jew. Could good Jews be too scared to expose the Jewish Supremacists’ criminal empire, fearing that if they did so, they would suffer as Mr Vanunu has suffered, or even worse?

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