6 Things That Will Happen When You're In A Relationship With An Emotionally Immature Person.


Being in a relationship with an emotionally immature person can be very stressful. These type of people always have the problem of not making the right decisions when they are emotional. Communicating with this type of person will become difficult.

Here are 6 things that will happen when you're in a relationship with an emotionally immature person.

1. They don't know how to communicate properly
when you are in a relationship with an emotionally immature person, you will realize that they don't know how to clearly communicate and express themselves.

These type of people often make the wrong decisions when they are emotional and it's a big sign they are not mature emotionally.

2. They have emotional dysregulation
This is when someone has difficulty in regulating his/her emotions.

Some of the signs to look out for are:

  • Small things will make them feel overwhelmed.

  • They find it difficult to control behaviors that are impulsive.

  • They get angry easily.

They often have problems in their daily life, relationship, school and work place.

These type of people may be unable to recognize their emotions and this will make them feel confused, stressed or guilty about their behavior.

3. They are egocentric
An egocentric person is someone who thinks only of him/herself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others.

They will make everything about them and they will not regard your concerns and interests.

An emotionally immature person will behave in ways that shows they believe the world revolves around them. They are always about themselves, they want everything for themselves, they need everything for themselves and they use the word "i" more often than "we."

4. They will not support you when you're going through hard times
When things are not going your way and you need someone to be there for you, they will not be available.
Hard times come and go, but having someone by your side to comfort and encourage you is a good way to be motivated in these periods. But when no one is available to support you, the journey can be so lonely.

An emotionally immature person will show no or less concern when you're going through difficult times. Probably you are going through a hard time at work, health or having financial issues, a partner that is not matured emotionally will never be there for you.

5. They are always right
When things go wrong, they will have an excuse to give. Even when they make the wrong decisions or make mistakes, they will always blame someone else. When they are caught doing something they're not supposed to do, they point their finger at someone else.

6. They don't involve their partner in decision making
When your partner makes decisions alone, it's like they don't see you as an equal. If you're in a relationship where your partner don't involve you in decision making, probably your partner sees you as someone who is not worthy.

It is very important for couples to make decisions together if they want their relationship to thrive.

If you find yourself in a situation where your partner makes decisions alone, then it's time you both talk about it. Making quick decisions and not allowing your partner to think about it is a big turn off.


Being in a relationship with an emotionally immature partner can be frustrating and tiring because throughout the relationship, they will not be able to communicate well with you, not able to regulate his/her emotions, self centered, lack of support from them, they will blame others for their mistakes and they will make decisions alone.

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