Are you ready for a bullish / Positive steem price?

Steem and other crypto´s prices have been on downturn lately due to holiday cash out and fuders spreading fake news on social media and other news channels- see my last mail for detailed explanation: Worried about Steem (including Crypto´s) Price? Patience and Optimism will help . My question is, did you use the opportunity to get more steem and other top crypto´s or are you waiting for more cheaper price (which might or might not come ) , did you join the fudders bandwagon and sell off your steem? Here are some few points

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Steem will shine: If you know the true value of steem ecosystem including the value SMT and upcoming hardfork20 (see my older posts for details) will bring to steem ecosystem (see my older posts for details) then you will count yourself blessed to be among steem early investors and thus use all the chance you find to get some steem and power up. The truth, however, is that haters and fuders will always do their thing-Haters will always Hate. Do not expect that central governments (afraid of losing tax money and control) , banks, Google, twitter, Facebook (fear of losing their monopoly) will relax and see all of us succeed in the crypto space without a fight. However our success lies on being strong, working together and counter attacks (peacefully) through our blogs, vlogs etc and thus spread the ingenuity of steem , Elyte (see and other top cryptocurrencies around the world.
Crypto´s are currently in green according to Coinmarket cap however we should not base our fate on ups and downs rather see the bigger picture and thus think / plan in the long run. I wish you all more success.

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Click here and read my former post:Worried about Steem (including Crypto´s) Price? Patience and Optimism will help

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