One small step


Social media can be quite intimidating. Especially for someone like me. I’ve lurked on different sites for a while now, I even notice a striking similarity between steemit and one of my favorites. I don’t have facebook, a twitter account, snap kik or insta-page (whatever). The thought of making a video kills me a little inside.

Anyway, I found out about steemit through one of the you tubers I watch and decided to give it a try. I’m a shy person and have only commented twice. Ever. Even then, I left my comment and ran off the video never to return. Sad right? I know, but its ok. I am using steemit as a means to overcome this. See, I am in beta stage too. I’ve been seeing some really great posts and wonderful pictures on here. I’ve actually commented, a lot.

I can see this community has zero tolerance for anything mean-spirited, and that is very encouraging. I am new here, and while I may not have much to offer, I DO have a voice!

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