Looking at those pretty eyes of hers

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One day Pablo was walking down the street that he knew so well and that, so many times he accompanied him when he left work taking him home, he was admiring all the small details that it had. And he hadn't noticed that they had put up a sign on the other side of the street, curious to see what it said, he moved closer to it and moved away from the path home.

When he got to where he was, they read in red letters:

"Visit us and you will know what you want the most."

In Pablo, these words caused a whirlwind of emotions and created thousands of thoughts that, very rarely, could be allowed, having a life as routine as his. Although this poster could change his life and this made him afraid of losing the security that he had built so much, he ignored his voice in his head that whispered firmly:

"Don't go to that place. It will be your downfall."

Pablo took out a notebook and wrote down the address, deciding to go right then and there. Upon arriving at the place, he found a room in a bar, he entered and there was no reference to the poster that he had seen before, confused, he went to a waitress from the place and said:

"Hello, I come for a poster that is on Rómulo street."-He takes the paper out of his pocket and shows him what he copied from the poster.

The girl saw it and read the paper that this man was showing her and they stopped being light blue to give way to an intense black. And she said to him:

"Good afternoon, sir, welcome to the place where everything is possible."

When he finished pronouncing these words, the girl's eyes hypnotized Pablo, leaving him in a state in which he neither thought nor was aware of what he was doing, he just wanted to continue watching and follow those black and beautiful eyes of hers until the end of the world. she.

Five years passed and no one had heard from Pablo again, everyone remembered him, but no one did anything to find out where he was. They will wonder where his family was, because Pablo was an orphan and did not know his family, he lived alone and did not maintain any friendship relationship strong enough to worry about his disappearance.

Many times Pablo was classified as weird and a bit strange because of his behavior of talking to himself, imagining places and seeing things that no one else saw, this made him feel insecure at times, but everything he saw was so real to him that he never paid attention. to people's malicious comments.

The days passed the same and the poster that caught him, no one else saw it, it was still in the same place, but no one could see it or even imagine its existence, apparently Pablo was the only one capable of seeing the posters that the demons of hell put up on earth.

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