The spy hop

Orca display many surface behaviours, which is the key thing to look for to understand ”How the animal is feeling, as weird as that sounds - it is true. When you begin to interact with these apex predators of the world - it is key to be patient and simply watch what they do to work out what is the best way to drive around them.

One behaviour that is good sign that they are curious and may want to have a closer interaction is the Spy-hop. Its where the orca comes vertically out of the water very slowing, sticking their eyes above the surface in order to look around what goings on. It is awesome to see, as you know they were just staring at you & it is also very difficult to get a great shot of it simply due to the fact it is over in under a second.

Basically, if you are unsure of how an animal is feeling- then give them a huge amount of space and drive very, very slowly when near them


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