My Experience On Joining Telunas Mangrove Day 2023


Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight hive blog. Today i would like my experience on Joining Telunas Mangrove Day 2023 that were held last week. Let's see what I found !


Little Introduction of Telunas

Telunas is a Resort that located in Sugi Subdistrict. It offers quiet and beautiful scene because located in a small Island. If you want to stay on there, you have to make a reservation on their website in , don't go there without any reservation, because you will definitely rejected. Why ? because it is kinda har to get the food in the middle of small island, so they need time to get everything ready in order to give the best for you.

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Here is the pictures taken from their website above, this one is the private Island, there is another one called Telunas Beach that located on the Island across this Island. Doesn't it looks beautiful ?


About The Event

This event is held by Telunas Resort team on May 7th 2023, with the participant from local community leaders, locals goverment officials , until a ministry officials includes my office.

The event start by the welcome speech from the Telunas Director, and continued with a presentation by Telunas Team about what Telunas brings to the people and environment around there.

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Welcome speech by the Director, Mike Schubert.

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Presentation by Telunas Team

There are many points I could note from their presentation, here is some of their impact to the community and environment that I could note :

Economics Impact
It is very obvious that any kind of business would give economic impact. From the human resources, foods, transportation, etc. And i just love that they were hiring more local people to work in there.

Improve their Human Resources
Not just hire the local people to work there, Telunas also gave them a chance to improve themselves by giving a schoolarship and some kinds of workshop/ training to simply improve their capability. There is a guy here that were promoted from the security into a site manager !

Improve Human Resource for People Around There
Not just their staff, they also giving a schoolarship for students around their place. There are many students that given the schoolarship for their college cost, and they are also given chance to get internship on Telunas as well.
Besides a schoolarship, they also started to give English Course to students around there. I think this is briliant, because main language is a key to open so many doors in this world.

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Pictures of schoolarship awardee giving her testimony about the schoolarship program, and the benefit she got from there.

Put Attention on Family Issue for Their Staff and Peoples
The difforce rate are kinda high here, not just for the staff but also the peoples around. So telunas made a program called Exemplary Family, where they given a coaching about being a better person for their Wive/ Husband, and for their children. They were also taught about financial management because besides the Ego, financial problems are often become a problem trigger. Those staff that given the coaching are also get a mission to spread their knowledge to people around their home in the hope to reduce the difforce rate to the people around.

Nature Preservation
Telunas had a great respect to the nature, and they tried to create a better environment by creating some preservation program. One of them is the mangrove preservation. Not just on this event, they also had a program where all staff had to plant at least 10 mangrove each months ! I think this is great because mangrove are having big impact to the environment (preventing abrasion, spawning and nursery ground for fishes, as a protection through big waves, oxygen producer, etc).
Telunas also put concern about the trash that still often pollute the Sea. This is very contra-productive for environment, and I really loves their program to recycling the waste from their own kitchen and staff domestic product. They told their staff to bring their own plastic waste whenever they are back from a day off. I forgot to ask what kind of product they are able to create from this recycling system, but for the kitchen waste, they made some kind of a fertilizer.

After the presentation session is over, we go to the plantation site and plant some mangrove there. I also taking part to plant the mangrove there.

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I'm doing the mangrove plantation

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Taking pictures together with all participants and staff

The event end with a lunch together that is provided by the Telunas Resort Team. I got many delicious foods there, but not taking any pictures of them (man, i'm so hungry, and haven't got any breakfast that day 😂)



Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you guys enjoy this post. I hope more people are care about the environment, might try to do a mangrove preservation, or not put their trash on the sea, because it will cause bad effect in our ecosystem.

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Pictures of the resort on the Telunas Beach Resort

Just like usual, I set beneficiary to @indonesianhiver to support all Indonesian hive blogger.



Hive for the very useful blog and community platform as well the cool icon
Teluas Resort Team for the awesome event
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
@Arcange to keep support my post
All curators for the upvotes
Canva for the free photoshop and all free features
Ezgif for easy and free tools to create gif

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