The Book That Began A Life-Long Journey For Truth...

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In 2009 a neighborhood friend and I decided to read a book together, at the same time, and share our learning with each other. It was to be a small "book club" if you will - just two people, who both were interested in asking "why?" I'll refer to my friend as "Sam," throughout this post. This post is in response to the #naturalmedicine book challenge to which we have been asked to post on books that have been interesting or life changing. I've read hundreds of books and exerts since this first book I'm about to describe. I hope that sharing my story can perhaps enlist one more person to begin a personal journey of self-discovery such as I.

In the autumn of 2007, I moved to a suburban area in eastern Pennsylvania. It was a move from Tampa, Florida - of where I had resided for over 8 years prior. My time in Florida was spent beginning my career and establishing myself. I worked very hard and with little time for play or fun. I was determined to find success in my chosen career field.

By the time I decided to change companies and move back north in 2007, I was a much more established and had earned a steady and consistent income. It was about this time that I began to wonder much more about life; such as - why do we exist? What purpose could we possibly have in this human existence? Are we alone as the only intelligent life in this universe?

This is where my friend Sam enters the picture. After moving back to Pennsylvania and purchasing a house in a suburban neighborhood, my wife and I bestowed upon some friends (neighbors) that lived on the same block as us. Ironically they were similar age and all married like us. Sam and I took a quick liking to each other as we often discussed many of the same topics mentioned above. We would sit out to the early hours of the morning on my back deck, lost in time, discussing many of the wonders and theories of the known universe.

Sam was an atheist. As for myself - I was not sure what I was but I knew that "something" existed of a higher power. I don't classify as a religious person. I don't now and I didn't then. But many of our conversations would fall upon topics of religion and whether or not there is a God. Many of my conversations with Sam were centered around, "what harm can come from at least having faith in God?" That was always my stance. While I certainly didn't have all the answers, something deep inside me believed there was much more to life that simple randomness. Sam's stance however differed greatly; he was more of the belief that life was random. We are born, we live, we die.

In or around 2009, at some point, Sam began talking about a book he had heard of - "Is Belief in God Good, Bad, or Irrelevant?" The books authors are Greg Graffin, the front-man and singer of the music band "Bad Religion," and Preston Jones, a history professor at a Christian college (just so happened to be a fan of the group Bad Religion). Greg was an atheist and Preston obviously was a believer in a higher power. Much like the two unlikely friends that came together to write this book, perhaps it was equally ironic that Sam and I came across this book and decided we should give it a read, and then share our conclusions. The book is largely a collection of emails traded back and forth between Greg and Preston. Both make their case to the other on why they see things from their perspective. Neither one completely convinces the other with their perspectives. Could they both be right? What about both wrong? Perhaps one has a better argument than the other. It is up to the reader to try and decide.

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At the time I wasn't much of a reader. I had just begun making time for things in my life like fun, travel, and other hobbies. Reading wasn't something I was particularly interested in. However, for whatever reason, something inside of me spoke and said order the book, read the book, and see where it leads you. So that's what I did...

There are many great points made back and forth within the book by both gentlemen. But some of the best parts of the book are the pages after the authors conclude their back and forth dialog. These last pages of the book contain a study guide of sorts to which a person can explore their mind and thoughts on the matter and even more. One of the questions that impressed most upon me was:

- What explanations have been offered by professional scientists and philosophers, of whom do not believe in ultimate purpose, that makes sense of the feeling that most people have around there being a higher power or purpose in life?

This question, among a few others from the study guide, led me to research topics concerning atheists that have turned believers in some form of a higher power. In my research, I came across a book written by Eben Alexander titled, "Proof of Heaven - A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife."

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Eben Alexander was the perfect atheist to read more about. His story is quite amazing. He was a neurosurgeon. He was raised religious, but without enough practical explanation and fact, his left brain self simply couldn't tolerate the "have faith" test. He needed more...

More is preciously what he received. Certainly not in the way he would have preferred. He came down with a bout of severe meningitis that was attacking his brain stem. He slipped into a very bad prognosis and went into a coma. His book is about the amazing experiences that his consciousness experiences while in his coma. He speaks of first entering a dark and grey space to where he felt lost and afraid. He calls this space "the eye of the earthworm." As time passes he feels a calling and a connection to a "higher place." Upon getting out of the "grey space," he is reunited with his sister that passed away years ago. He explains how he is shown all over these levels of "higher dimensions and of the absolute peace, love, and bliss he experienced in his journey. He comes out of his near death experience with perfect remembrance of what his consciousness experienced while in his coma. This was the genesis of his book.

He later follows up his first book with a sequel titled, "The Map of Heaven."

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In this book Eben describes the different "levels" of heaven. He describes different "planes of existence," through which are accessed by understanding, love, intention, growth and further development.

Reading these above mentioned first three books sent me on a personal journey of self-discovery. For the first time in my life, I was beginning to finally feel like I was receiving answers that were beginning to make sense. Some how and in some way - what I was discovering felt "real." It felt authentic. It struck a chord with me through which I said internally - this is what I've been searching for.

From that point on I was completely changed. I had many doubts in my life before reading these books. I was born and baptized a catholic. Then my mother changed our church to an Episcopalian church before residing her faith in the Seventh Day Adventist faith. None of this ever really made sense to me. At about the age of 12 I began asking my own questions. Trying to even ask priests, pastors, and other men of faith for answers. Everything they explained to me was external and summed up largely with saying, "I just needed to have faith."

I went through some troubled years in my mid teens. I rebelled to a large extent and lost my way. For a while I even turned atheist myself as I simply couldn't find proof that there was something else to put my faith behind. In many of my writings I often say that the ultimate truth is through experience.

After reading the three above mentioned books I stumbled across many different readings about near death experiences. I was FASCINATED by these types of readings and read book, after book, after book. My library was certainly growing.

Eventually I came across the concepts of "out of body experiences. These experiences, like near death experiences, could be had without the whole "near death" aspects. That was intriguing beyond reason for me. So I came to read Robert Monroe's trilogy of books:

  • Journeys out of the Body
  • Far Journeys
  • Ultimate Journeys

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As one becomes engulfed in readings like this as well as studies and practices, one can begin to receive even more proof and answers they are looking for. That's sort of the way the consciousness works. Put focus and intention on something and you receive more of it. After months of practicing meditations as well as out of body experiences techniques, I had my first experience.

One night I awoke to the most amazing vibrations and buzzing sounds. My body was vibrating from head to toe like it was a bell in a tower being struck from side to side. It was a full on energy force that had consumed my entire being. I laid there amused and not afraid since I had read of this process ahead of out of body experience before. Looking over at my wife I could tell she didn't feel anything. Whatever was happening was purely energetic in nature. Then, the most amazing thing happened. "I" floated upward out of my body. I say "I" because I'm referring to the true "I" - the part of me to which is consciousness or soul. The vibrations slowed and stopped. As I rolled over I could see my wife and two dogs laying in bed. I also saw a cloudy image of myself lying down below on the bed as well. Everything was in black and white for me. I noticed a "glow" coming from my wife and my two dogs. But I didn't see anything coming from my body. This lasted for maybe 20 seconds before I awoke back up with my consciousness fully back inside the four walls of my body. My mind....WAS BLOWN!!!

This happened without any drugs or alcohol. All I can say is IT HAPPENED. It was not a dream and it was beyond a shadow of a doubt REAL to me. It is my truth - my experience that through study, reading, and practice led me to understand that we have a soul, or consciousness, that exists beyond our physical body.

From that point on my studies, reading, and learning has continued. I've made it my life path to continue to positively help others in my life learn that they too can turn inward and receive their truth of our magnificent existences. We are far more than flesh and blood. We exist before and well after our physical deaths.

Thank you to @riverflows and the #naturalmedicine community for this reading and book challenge. No matter the outcome of the challenge, I am thrilled to tell my story. For me it all began with a friend, Sam, from Eastern Pennsylvania that turned me on to a book reading challenge. That was the impetus that now 10 years later has me knowing and understanding more about life. I'm far from having it figured out. The journey certainly continues for me, but now with reinvigorating fever for trying to gain more experiences of truth and the ability to help others along their spiritual paths as well.

So as always my friends...I leave you with peace, love, and well wishes on each of your journeys!

Be well!

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