Hi! I’m Victoria!! // My Introduction to the Hive Community and Answer to “What Does Hive Mean To Me?” Question

Hi! My Name Is Victoria 1.png

Hello! …

from the other side

This is my introduction to the Hive community, I already did my Steem Introduction 2 years ago you can also find that one here on my hive profile if you go to my first ever post. I'm Victoria a recently graduated lawyer from Venezuela! // Soy Victoria una Abogada recien graduada de Venezuela!

So, yeah that one on the 2 years old picture with the 100 filters and really good lighting is me, I hate taking selfies it takes too much work, and my face needs too much filters ... anyways this post is to introduce myself to the Hive Blockchain and so I had to use the same old picture that I like of myself, it has been my profile picture on Steem since the begging and even tho this is a new chain is quarantine time and I don’t do other clothes in quarantine time other than my PJs and that is not a good choice to take a new profile picture (not to mention the amount of makeup that would require).



Who am I?

That is actually a good question and a really deep question, but to no make this post too long…

I’m a mom, a lawyer, a Cat owner, a chocolate lover and the “girlfriend” of @yanco (can you believe? 1 kid and 7 years together he still hasn’t proposed to me!!!!) I’m from Venezuela and currently playing season 32 of this game call life.

I am A Mom


I made such a cute Kid, he is 1 and a half now, I actually got pregnant the same week i got into Steem, I would advise anyone to be careful when you come into a blockchain it has magic powers like fertility powers LMAO.

He is my life, and he has his very own account @juancarlosgp, he is the best thing that has happen to me and the reason this quarantine is like a normal time for me, since he was born i have been a stay at home mom so, stay inside the house has been my normal since before it was mandatory.

being a stay at home mom hasn’t been easy, is so time consuming, (I’m actually doing this post at 11.35pm after he is already asleep, cause during the day is hard for me to do anything other than taking care of him).

What I Do for a Living?

Well actually the stay at home mom doesn’t mean I don’t work, reality is I work from home, I live in Venezuela and since our economic situation is hard I have to do something to help with the money, I currently do sells online and I’m starting to do legal documents from home too.

Like I said I am a lawyer but since I only graduated 2 years ago and don’t have much experience, I only do basic stuff like documents, that is fine for now cause it allows me to do them from home, eventually I would like to make a specialization in International Law and get to work in a law firm but that will required my kid to be a little bigger, I also have Steem Hive.

What is HIVE to Me?

To me it has been a life savior, I’m not meaning just now with the brand-new name and distribution, i mean from the Steem days.

Steem came to my life when like i said and immediately i got pregnant, i had just move in with my boyfriend to a city 8hours away from where i used to live with my family and friends, and since i was pregnant it was not like i could do the travel back and for like i used to do it before so it mean i got stuck in a city with no family and friends other than my boyfriend and his mom, and i was full with pregnant lady hormones.

i was a mess, i felt horrible, morning sickness was not only during the morning and i had to push myself to even take a shower every day i dint want to come out of bed all day, all i had was Steem, and if you go to my blog from that time you will see i didn’t actually posted much, I didn’t had the energy to think on putting up a post, but i had the community! i made friends here, i was exited to chat with all day long in the @minnowsupport discord server i even got into curating content to support the community (my niche is Spanish), i felt bad while pregnant and the community here help a lot to keep me from going insane with the hormones

That is what Steem Hive means to me

Community, is what made me stay, i came here as cliché as it sounds for the money but stayed for the community, and if that was with Steem, well now in Hive is 100000 times more true, cause this place came to be cause the community wanted it asked for it and is now running it.

What do you want to see HIVE evolve into?

whatever the community as a whole agrees to make it, i know we will disagree in a lot of stuff, but that is the beauty of decentralization, no one person alone can decide the future, we as a community have to come together and make a choice on what we want and how are we going to get there.

i want to see Hive more noob user friendly, I’m here mostly for the social aspect of the blockchain, so i want to see more easy ways to onboard people and not just an easy way to create an account but to get people to actually want one and to use it cause is easy to do so.

We have the DAO and we should use that to start funding some good onboarding projects.

What do you think about having a large funded DAO for future HIVE development?

we want a lot of stuff, and nothing in life is free, or we shouldn’t ask for dev to work for us for free, so it only makes sense we pay for all the cool stuff some of our very own community devs can do.

we showed that it doesn’t matter if your sp is small if we can together and vote a lot we can make a difference so it is very important to show that now here too by voting for the good proposals made to make Hive even better.

What I Do on Hive?

Well, I don’t post a lot, LOL that is what I mostly do, lol in reality since I live in Venezuela I have internet and electrical power issues that take the motivation out of me to post, I am in this since the SBD prices were 6$/SBD so… yeah even then I didn’t posted that much. So, I do a lot of curation, I’m part of the Moderation and Curation Team of @minnowsupport and I’m part of several other communities like Creative coin, foodies and was part of Helpie too where I do curation work.

I like to do curation because it helps rewarding good content creators, people that are more talented than me at making stuff worthy of posting them.

When I do post, I do it mostly about my life, I am a mom to a baby boy and to a cat so those are my main subjects, I also like doing tutorials, I was a noob and didn’t find a lot of helpful or updated info when I started so I want to make sure to help people understand the blockchain better.

Mostly I focus on the Spanish community, cause well DUH! But I like that being here helps me a lot with my English practice and make new friends all around the world so I’m around to help people from wherever they are!

Like I always put at the bottom of my posts if you know of a good author or posts that needs some love and curation let me know in the comments it doesn’t matter the language.

My Family

My family ( @yanco, @juancarlosgp and I) have so much to thanks to this community, I was even able to pay for my c-section when i needed it cause a member of this community help me to do it, i have been able to put food in my table when I haven't had anywhere else to find money from cause of this community, I love being part of such an amazing thing as is the Hive Community.

Yes, that is an updated picture of me!!! lol is from december so is much more new than my profile picture, it has 1223456789 filters cause reasons but i like it, cause it has the 2 men i love the most in the whole world.


I’m going to be completely honest here this is 2 challenges into 1 post cause well I don’t have time to do both on separated posts LMAO the first one is from @anomadsoul Challenge! - My Introduction to the Hive Community and the other one is by @theycallmedan What Does Hive Mean To Me? Initiative.

As always, thank you very much for reading me and
I hope to read your comments!

Picture Credit: All images are of my property unless said otherwise and the emojis are made with Bitmoji.com!

I’m currently an active curator for @minnowsupport #palnet, #creativecoin and #foodie, and even though I focus on post in Spanish (cause duh!) if you know of any good post that deserves to be curated or any good author that I need to be on the lookout for 🔎📌 (doesn’t matter the language) let me know in the comments!

Actualmente soy curadora activa para @minnowsupport #palnet, #creativecoin y #foodie, e incluso aunque me centre en publicaciones en español (¡porque obvio!) ¡Si conoces alguna publicación buena que merezca ser curada o cualquier buen autor del que deba estar pendiente 🔎📌 en cualquier idioma, házmelo saber en los comentarios!

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