There is only ever one, only ever this, nothing else. If I pick up my guitar to play, it's the first time I ever played. And of course it is the very last time I will ever play. You see; a deep appreciation of this instant, moment, now etc., as it seems to flow from somewhere it was once before, then stop momentarily right here, and then off to who ever knows where. It's fleetingness gives it it's own precious nature.
It is immediately registered as simply this, and even better than that; I don't have to control it! What I mean by that is; the sense of separate self/doer/actor/player etc., was never there. It plays itself. There's no 'player' who is 'playing' a piece etc., no. Nothing else or other. Just a sound...a beat...a
Now I've clumsily attempted to put this into words within the context of playing guitar. This could be any instrument or creative 'act'. You see; these realizations remain very workable and 'true' because of their overlap on to many different things. But of course oneness, which already includes everything elseness, would have this continuous overlap, hence the many areas this is observed.
I am full of gratitude towards the creators of this site because it has given me the impetus to start sharing some of the things I picked up along the way and try to put them into coherent meaning which I hope will be extremely beneficial towards the specific goals and dreams you have right now and more...
All the best,