Songs For Fighting Lockdown Syndrome - Twofer Tuesday!!


I don't know about you, but music always helped keep me sane in a crazy world. Now that the world's even crazier, music has gone to the top of the list of depression abating remedies.

Being that today is Tuesday, I better make it a double feature.

First up is a song that's rather fitting as it describes the cruel tendencies of nature.

"Pow! Right between the eyes.
Nature has her little surprises.
And it all seems so logical now,
but it's just one of her better disguises.
Well they come without warning
but nature has her little surprises".

Can't we let it be?
And see
The hole in this world of confusion"

It's hard to argue that Joe Walsh paints a picture of the times in his song, Life of Illusion!

Next up is a song I might get in trouble for suggesting. I know lots of people have been cooped up for too long. Some are afraid to go out for fear of the dreaded Novel Coronavirus.

Get mad if you want but I have to tell you, the world is the same as it was before. Absolutely beautiful!

The ocean is just as blue and vast, stretching as far as the eye can see. The mountains are intense and majestic in their height.

You get the picture. Anyway, you can stay inside forever if you want, but this song will be calling out your name.

"Dear Prudence
Won't you come out to play
Dear Prudence
Greet the brand new day
The sun is up
The sky is blue
It's beautiful
And so are you"

"Dear Prudence
Let me see you smile
Dear Prudence
Like a little child
The wind is up
The birds will sing
That you are part
Of Everything!!"

Two clouds in the form of hearts intertwined in the sky. It's not the Beatles. But you might need a little Jerry in your day.

Hope you enjoy the musical selection. Rock on to sanity til the day is through...


Feature Image Courtesy Of
Bottom Image Courtesy Of Brand Assets


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