Discovering Some of Northern Germany's Great Forests

Greetings Hive!

So with a wonderful start to the mushroom season, I have been hiking about 10-15KM a day exploring every square meter of forest land I can find.

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An old structure converted into a bat sanctuary.

In the most Northern territory of the country, I have discovered some beautiful hidden areas far off the beaten path. After living here for five years I am still in awe of its beautiful nature and picturesque landscapes. I can't help but fantasize about the country's history as I trek through her wilderness. The Romans never made it this far, but before that, this area was a thriving Viking-aged community.


As you walk through the forest and meadows one can't help but imagine those who have walked the same paths throughout history. Solitude is the only word I can think of to describe my experience completely immersed in the natural wonder of old Denmark, modern-day Germany.


The perfect environment for Amanita muscaria mushrooms.

Even though my sole purpose was to forage for mushrooms, this excursion into the wilderness was a cherished moment of joy spent alone. No animals to be seen and it's as if even the birds were hidden away in their nest or migrated south for the winter. It was just my "self" and I who had long hours of inward contemplation and admiration of the natural world around me.


A destroying Angel (Amanita bisporigera), from the Amanita family, is a reminder of the power of nature over man.

There were no Anamita muscaria to be found; however, a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the shortness of our existence grew all around on the forest floor as I made my way through. The destroying Angel is just that, behind her beautiful veil lies a long and painful death. Similar to life itself, we can witness her beauty but in the end, we all will die.


To end on a positive note I would like to remind everyone that we are here merely visiting and borrowing this world from our descendants. Respect it, love it, enjoy it, but most importantly don't forget we share this world with everyone. This oasis in the vast emptiness of space is a paradise, rejoice that we are able to exist here. Never forget that paradise stands right before your eyes. It doesn't exist in the past and it doesn't exist in the future. You don't have to travel far to find happiness it happens here and now.


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