
The psychological thriller was produced by Tyler Perry and released early this year, in March, 2018. It tells the story of Taraji P Henson,(Melinda Moore), a faithful and hardworking wife who did everything to support her husband, Robert, an engineer who believed so much in his invention.

In spite of all she did to support the man, he betrayed her. But only for once. Watch the film and see what hazy decision can do. The wife divorced him, believing he hasnt stopped cheating. But who is to blame?

Here are some lessons i learnt from the movie Acrimony, I like to share.

1.Believe in yourself
Robert believed he will make it. For his home project, he was offered $800,000 but he refused to sell his dream. He knew it will moon better later. Define yourself, believe in you, there a hero in you, only if you believe.

2.Learn to trust your partner
Their marriage lacked trust just for one mistake her husband made. To err is human but to forgive is divine. Forgive your spouse his or her past mistake and confirm any rumour about another infidelity before you act.

3.Anger is a destroyer
Taraji acted in anger. She believed her husband was still cheating, she made hasty decision to divorce her husband despite his pleadings

4.Limit family intereference in your home
To Taraji's family, Robert was a jerk. He has nothing to offer, and when he "cheated", it was easy for her family to advice Taraji to divorce him. Family and friends may advice you but they have limit. The decision is yours to make. Why would your sister tell you to divorce your husband when she lives with hers?

5.No one knows tomorrow
Robert was kicked out of the marriage. He had nothing, not even his clothes were taken from the home. But just a few days later, he became a millionaire. ( As if his success was tied down with that marriage). Without blinking, he bought back Taraji mama's house for her and gave her $1m cheque. God is not man, and you are not God. He works in miraculous ways. He sure does. Trust women with money, Taraji ran back, she wants her ex- husband back. But is it possible? Too late. The man was in love with the intruder he cheated with sometime ago.

  1. Do not allow you jealousy or rage rule you
    Taraji will rather die than allow her ex- husband go. She wasnt ashamed to go back to her vomit, but then she met her water loo.

Who is to blame? Have you seen the movie? Go watch it and you will see that it is better to manage anger than act hastily and regret it terribly.

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