It's not what we want, it's why we want it

We all have desires and wants, whether they be material possessions, success in our careers, or personal relationships. However, it's not always clear why we want the things that we do. Understanding the underlying motivations behind our desires can be crucial for achieving long-term satisfaction and fulfillment.

Many of our wants are driven by superficial or external factors. For example, we may want a new car because it's the latest model, or we want a promotion at work because it comes with a higher salary. These wants may bring temporary pleasure or satisfaction, but they often fail to provide long-term fulfillment. They are based on external validation and the belief that our happiness and self-worth are dependent on external factors.

On the other hand, our wants can also be driven by deeper, internal motivations. For example, we may want a new car because it will allow us to travel and explore more, or we may want a promotion at work because it will give us the opportunity to make a positive impact on our community. These wants are based on our values, passions, and purpose. They align with our personal goals and aspirations, and they have the potential to bring long-term fulfillment and satisfaction.

It's important to understand that our wants and desires are not inherently good or bad. It's not what we want, but why we want it that matters. By understanding the underlying motivations behind our desires, we can make more conscious choices that align with our values, passions, and purpose.


One way to understand our motivations is by asking ourselves questions such as: "Why do I want this?" "What will it give me?" "What will it allow me to do?" "How will it align with my values and purpose?" By answering these questions, we can get a better understanding of the deeper motivations behind our desires.

Another way to understand our motivations is by examining our emotions. Our emotions can often provide insight into our underlying motivations. For example, if we feel anxious or stressed when we think about not getting something we want, it may indicate that it is tied to a deeper need for security or validation. If we feel excited or energized when we think about getting something we want, it may indicate that it aligns with our passions and purpose.

It's also important to remember that our motivations and desires can change over time. What we wanted in the past may no longer align with our current values and goals. It's important to regularly check in with ourselves and reassess our wants and desires to ensure that they align with our current values and purpose.

Understanding the underlying motivations behind our desires is crucial for achieving long-term satisfaction and fulfillment. Our wants can be driven by superficial or external factors, or by deeper, internal motivations. By understanding the why behind our wants, we can make more conscious choices that align with our values, passions, and purpose. We should also be open to reassessing our wants and desires regularly as our motivations and values can change over time.

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