The Price Requirements For Your Dreams

Someone once said that "the only way you can qualify for a prize is by paying the price." This is likened to the same way when you enter a supermarket and you pay for the ticket of what you want to buy, it will guarantee you the right to leave with those stuffs. Putting this into perspective as regards to your dreams, you will understand that for it to be fulfilled, then certain prices and costs have to be paid. Let us see the necessary cost of your dream.


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The first cost, which holds a very important place in the fulfillment of a dream is to conceive the dream. Obviously, you cannot create substance from nothing. That is, you cannot fulfill a nonexistent dream until you have conceived and created it. Creating a dream is the foundation upon which all the other prices can be paid. There is no how you can build a sustainable structure without first having a foundation. Of course, if you have nothing that you look up to each day or what makes you to wake up to pursue, then sleeping will become enjoyable.

When the dream has been conceived and put in place, then the next step is the development of the complementary plan for it. In making plan, it should be as clear and straightforward as possible, and void of ambiguity. A lot of people have lost the zeal to pursue after their dreams because they have not created a clear plan to go about it. Actions become easier and better with a clearer and more concise plan than when it is ambiguous with so many complexities. Your plan should be able to simplify the dreams, not making it appear like a "mission impossible."

The next price requirement for your dream is hard work and discipline. No matter how good and potent your dream may look and how brilliant the plan is, you still have to put in works towards it. Achieving your dream is not something that you act once and then stop, but you need to constantly and continuously put efforts towards it. You may not see the results immediately but it does not mean you should stop trying. You need to know that even if you do not see any evidence at the first attempt, you should not underrate the attempt. If someone wants to fell down a tree, the first strike of the axe will not be what will bring the tree down, but it does not mean that the strike is useless. With repeated strikes, the tree will come down. When you act towards your dream, you should not lose hope if the first attempt does not produce the result - keep putting in your hard work.


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While putting hard work, you have to also employ smartness to it. No one will render a reward to you because of the toughness, hardness, and the insanely difficulty of your methods. If there is an easier way to arrive at your destination, why go through the far and tough route? What ultimately matters at the end is actualizing the dream, not necessarily how long it took you. In this era, a lot of smartness have been introduced to help people undertake seemingly difficult tasks. So let your actions reflect elements of smartness. In addition to it, you need to maintain focus with discipline and avoid any form of distraction. What someone is doing should not become a distraction to you because both of you may have dissimilar dreams - so try to focus on your own.

The last cost to look at here is patience. You do not expect your actions to produce result on the same day they were taken, there is a need to give them some time. You cannot start a building project from foundation and finish it on the same day. Have patience. What patience does is that it keeps you on course while removing the desperation of quick gratification. Always have in mind that every action you put towards your goal counts, but you may need to wait for it to mature to see the result.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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